< Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror/YMMV

  • Anvilicious: Homecoming. Some say Pro-Life as well.
  • Complete Monster: The disfigured prostitute in Imprint or rather, her "little sister".
    • The series has several of them as antagonists such as Moonface, Jenifer, and the combating murderers Walker and Wheeler
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Different for everyone. Common picks are Imprint, The Fair-Haired Child, Jenifer, Cigarette Burns, Homecoming and Family.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:
    • It probably shouldn't have been funny, but the main heroine finding the killer's skeletons in Family is funny mostly because of how excited the skulls look to meet her.
    • Landis' other contribution, Deer Woman, we are treated to three hilarious Imagine Spots.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: Sick Girl plays its ending completely straight... except we know the bug's offspring explode out of their parents, so the girls are going to die horribly in a matter of days. You call that liberating?!?
  • Fridge Brilliance: In Family, when David (who is a doctor) casually meets Harold in the hospital waiting room with a nasty cut in his forehead after having suffered a car accident, he lets him jump the line saying that Celia wouldn't forgive him if Harold bled to death because that would deprive her of the chance to torture and kill him herself.
  • Hollywood Homely: Women try to distract male attention by wearing unflattering clothes, with varying degrees of success in The Screwfly Solution.
  • Ho Yay: Dalibor and Kirby in Cigarette Burns.
  • Narm:
    • Brown Jenkin camps hilariously in Dreams in the Witch-House, even going "boo!" at a passing police officer for no reason whatsoever after brutally murdering the main protagonist.
    • While Imprint is supposed to be a serious story, some of the actors' thick accents make it kind of hilarious.
  • Seasonal Rot: Season 2 is held up as this.
  • Squick:
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: We All Scream for Ice Cream is about a ghost clown that kills people by giving voodoo ice cream of them to their children.
  • The Woobie: Stacia, in Pick Me Up. Fresh out of an abusive relationship, she hits the road—and her bus gets a flat tire, forcing her to get out and walk. Shortly thereafter, she gets kidnapped by a serial killer, used as bait to catch a rival serial killer, survives a truck crash, and promptly gets kidnapped again, when the two paramedics who show up at the crash site turn out to be serial killers themselves ...Jeez, this girl just cannot catch a break.
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