< Master and Commander (film)
Master and Commander (film)/YMMV
- Awesome Music (also a Funny Moment:
Aubrey: Well, Stephen... The bird's flightless?
Maturin: Yes.
Aubrey: It's not going anywhere.
And... cue Boccherini.
- Crazy Awesome: Both Aubrey and Blakeney
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Blakeney.
- Ho Yay: Aubrey and Maturin. Beside the fact that they obviously care a great deal for each other, the scenes in which they play music together serve as a good euphemism for sex, from the cook complaining about the noise to Maturin's suggestive "Are you in the mood for something more agressive?" comment.
- Plus there is the fact that Aubrey abandoned his prey in order to go and save Stephen's life.
- All of which can equally be interpreted as Heterosexual Life Partners. As devoted as the two friends are to each other, Jack is also seen penning a tender missive to his wife; indeed, her (literal) cameo on his writing desk is one of only two appearances by a female face in the entirity of the film.
- Magnificent Bastard: The Acheron's captain, a skilled commander, capable deceiver, and all-around Worthy Opponent for Jack.
- Moment of Awesome : "LET FLY!"
- Also, when middie Blakeney leads a boarding party onto the Acheron, and shoots a man in the face. Middie Blakeney is acting without orders, 13 years old and missing his right arm.
- Nausea Fuel: The surgery scenes in this film. Only Stephen manages to keep anything close to a straight face while at work even on himself. The other characters who have to assist him in these procedures show evident signs of being uncomfortable and borderline nauseated at what they're seeing.
- Nightmare Fuel: The sight of Hollom's face as he sinks down into the water is haunting, to say the least. (Also reminiscent of a certain scene in Titanic.)
- 19th century surgery on a warship. "Don't worry, it's just the laudanum talking." Um, I don't think so, doc.
- Although it was no where near as drawn out as some 19th century amputations are, look at any Civil War movie (Glory , Dances with Wolves), they seem to be cutting into a man's arm for about 5 minutes.
- Tear Jerker: Warley going overboard when part of the mast breaks.
- Hollom's entire character arc, from being still a midshipman at nearly thirty, to coming to believe he is a Jonah thanks to his treatment at the hands of the men, to killing himself.
- Calamy's posthumous promotion to lieutenant.
- The Woobie: Hollom.
- Blakeney is a Stoic Woobie.
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