Mascots Love Sugar
In Anime, mascots and other tiny or cute characters generally love sugar. It often happens that the hero, or more often heroine, will find a small and cute creature, bring it into their room to take a closer look at it just to find out that has a huge sugar addiction. After the initial shock has worn off the startled main character now has to not only hide but also provide for something that is 60 cm or less tall and eats enough sugar to put a horse in a diabetic coma. On top of this the mascot's sweet tooth will usually cause trouble for their caregiver at least once, whether or not they find out.
This trope is not necessarily limited to the above situation; sometimes a main but not central character will end up taking care of the sugar-loving mascot and occasionally we'll even see a villain have one.
- Kero from Cardcaptor Sakura constantly eats sweets despite the fact that he not only doesn't need to eat but is also just barely larger than the utensils. This has caused problems on several occasions, including briefly living in another house after getting drunk off chocolates that contain brandy, giving random answers on Sakura's math homework sheets to get it out of the way so she'll buy him pastries and, of course, being fed by Sakura for over a year for his own amusement.
- On the other hand, Spinel also enjoys sweet things, but only after eating them when he is put in a state of alcohol-free drunkenness.
- Tamama from Keroro Gunsou has rarely, if ever, been shown eating normal food, yet almost always has a bag of some sweet or snack food on hand. While it hasn't really presented any problems to his partner, Momoka, at one point Keroro has to take responsibilty for Tamama trying to eat a giant candy house on a television set.
- Bokkun from Sonic X at one point goes against his instructions and helps the heroes twice, with the promise of getting apple pie and strawberry cake as a reward for his efforts. More than a bit odd considering that he's a robot, but there you go.
- Mirumo from Mirumo de Pon is supposed to be helping Kaede find love, but spends most of his time dodging his fiancee and eating chocolate. At one point Kaede is even put in crisis when she eats a piece of chocolate that was made to poison Mirumo in order to save him.
- Sugar from A Little Snow Fairy Sugar has to have at least one waffle every day.
- Honey From Ouran High School Host Club is arguably the mascot of the series and is shown eating large amounts of cake in each episode. In one episode, he even goes through withdrawal symptoms after getting a cavity and not being allowed to eat cake until the cavity is fixed.
Live Action Television
- Farscape: Rygel is small and mascot-like and he does have a SERIOUS sugar addiction.
Rygel: Crichton! How illegal is this dren? You gotta get me more! I don't care what it costs!
- The title character of Kumap Puri enjoys pudding to the point that it is a part of the series' theme items.
Web Comics
- Team Pet Kiki the ferret from Sluggy Freelance loves sugar almost as much as shiny things. When she gets her paws on sugar in large quantities or very concentrated form, she gets incredibly, hyperkinetically active. Riff weaponizes this at times by giving her pixie sticks, after which she tends to leave Kiki-shaped holes in walls or anything else that gets in her way.
Western Animation
- In a rare Western Animation example, Drake got a rash after going through suger withdrawal on Drake and Josh.