< Martin Mystery

Martin Mystery/Fanfic Recs

There are only about 180+ fanfics on Fanfiction.net on Martin Mystery, but there are a few good fanfics among them.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Martin Mystery Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites

None yet

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.'

The Red Monarch By The Kage Tenshi (Flashbacks contain: Violence, gore, swearing)

  • Recommended by: Saiyan5nine-tails
  • Synopsis: Tatsuki Miyabe has come to the Center for help on the recommendation of her guardian, and M.O.M has assigned her to be looked after by Martin Mystery and Co. Martin is disappointed by the prospect of a protection assignment, but what and who is after Tatsuki Miyabe? Most likely takes place after the show ended, so it is a Continuation Fic of sorts. Multiple Original Characters present, including my own later in story.
  • Comments: Upon finding this story, I fell in love with it. It is still ongoing. Much of the story takes roots in events of the Center's past, and these flashbacks to the past, which take place later in the story, explain the position that M.O.M., Tatsuki Miaybe and her guardian were in 10 years ago after a terribly bloody event that involves Tatsuki's older brother. The back-story is told from the OC's guardian's perspective on Thekagetenshi's deviantart page, which I recommend you DON'T read until you get well up to chapters 8-11, lest you be spoiled, as it is around there that many things are explained. This Troper (Saiyan5nine-tails)'s own Martin Mystery stories crossover with it late into the story, beginning with chapter 8 in reference, and fully appearing in Chapter 11. The plot is well-paced, well-balanced with humour and action, as well as drama. Compared to the rest of the Martin Mystery series, the author admits it is Darker and Edgier, but the author succeeds with flying colours in making it work.

War By Lil Noir Neko (Contains violence, torture)

  • Recommended by: Saiyan5nine-tails
  • Synopsis: : A mass break out at the Centre has several of the agents scrambling for help in order to restore order. Martin, Diana, Java, and Marvin lead a group of teens into danger, excitement and horror and hopefully come out of it in one piece. As the story moves on, a horrifying truth is revealed about a past mission of Martin's, a truth so horrible, that his memory was wiped of the experience, and all evidence buried. It is Darker and Edgier than the normal series by FAR, making it work brilliantly, and is chock-full of original characters, and my OC made his way into this one too.
  • Comments: Lil Noir Neko is a veteran of Martin Mystery stories, mainly surrounding some form of emotional pain, or even death. Needless to say, what she puts Martin through is fully justifies putting Martin, and everyone involved in the flashbacks, through Laser-Guided Amnesia, to forget. It is filled with Character Development, flushing out Martin, Diana and M.O.M's characters, in a situation that can only be described as horrific. The state Martin ends up in by the end is nothing like he is in the series; he is emotionally, mentally, and also physically broken. Despite these horrific scenarios, it is a story that will be carved into memory, as an outstandingly well-written work.

    Shipping Fics

    Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

    None Yet.

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