< Maria Watches Over Us
Maria Watches Over Us/YMMV
- Anvilicious: All the lily ("Yuri") and sapphire ("sapphic") references, including a Lampshade Hanging on them in the first episode.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: the finale of season two, sparkly-background-roses and all.
- The second half of OVA episode 1 may qualify as well. It is a nice subversion of the usual My-Beloved-is-So-Flawed cliche, as Sachiko sees right through her cousins' attempts to denigrate Yumi and is not shy about her disgust.
- Ear Worm: The cute and cheerful OP of the 4th season. You don't believe it? Listen for yourself. (Easily the cutest thing produced by the franchise since the Maria-sama ni wa Naisho! omake.)
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Sei, the original Rosa Gigantea, struck as one of the most popular characters at first for being the most notable lesbian of the show. In latest seasons, Noriko seems to have gained plenty of popularity. The White Rose Family can be considered the Ensemble Darkhorse Family as it is the most popular family in the fandom despite getting considerable less screen time than the red and even the yellow one,
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop: The message of Mifuyu's story appears to be: "Accept that other people are more special than you."
- The message of Sei's backstory seems to be: "Societal obligations will sometimes keep you from someone you love. Learn to accept it."
- And both are messages that, while regrettable, are still prevalent in Japanese cultural mores.
- The message of Sei's backstory seems to be: "Societal obligations will sometimes keep you from someone you love. Learn to accept it."
- Jerkass Woobie: Touko
- Les Yay: Practically the entire female cast.
- Memetic Mutation: This series is responsible for the word "Gokigenyo" being known among anime fans.
- Periphery Demographic: Nominally Shoujo, but the male viewership is large enough that the first season was test run at Otaku O'Clock.
- The Scrappy: Touko seems to attract a lot of hate from the fandom
- Wangst: Largely averted, although Touko's self-torture about being adopted comes dangerously close at times.
- The Woobie: Oh, Sei.
- Also Touko, whose Wangst about being adopted turns her into either The Scrappy or Yumi's new Official Couple, depending on who you ask.
- Or Kanako, who has a troubled past and isn't shown to have many friends. And who also seemed to be a serious candidate for becoming Yumi's soer, only to get jilted.
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