Mari Kari
Mari, Mari! Sweeter than a cherry. Head is kinda airy. SHE LOVES YOU!
Kari, Kari! Horrible and scary! If you mess with Mari, SHE'LL KILL YOU!—The Theme
From the creator of Megas XLR.
Mari and Kari are identical twins. They're best friends and never apart. Mari is the liveliest girl you'll ever meet. Kari is too. Her problem: she's dead. From there it just gets weird.
Mari Kari is a Web Original created by Fear Net in the Summer of 2010. Spanning 8 minisodes, the series is notable for its cartoony style and Happy Tree Friends-style gore and mayhem.
The series can be watched here.
Tropes used in Mari Kari include:
- Alpha Bitch - There were several unnamed ones. They died.
- Axe Crazy - Kari
- Berserk Button - Do not mess with Mari, or Kari will KILL YOU!
- Black Comedy
- Blinding Bangs: Kari
- Chainsaw Good
- Cloudcuckoolander - Mari is made of this trope.
- Creepy Child - While one would think Kari would fit this more, it's Mari that's creepy
- Cool Big Sis - Kari
- Curse Cut Short
- Ear Worm - The Theme.
- Eye Scream
- Gorn - When you have a show where someone's intestines are used as jump ropes you're bound to wind up with this.
- Hey, It's That Voice! - Shannen Doherty voices both Mari and Kari and Steven Jay Blum is Lary Kari's undead boyfriend.
- Precision F-Strike - Kari has one at the end of Episode 8
- Sadist Show
- Shout-Out
- Episode 8 is a massive Shout-Out to Carrie
- Stepford Smiler - Mari
- Too Dumb to Live - Seriously. Despite all the school hating Mari, most of them know that those who bully her die horribly and yet they keep doing it anyway.
- Yandere - Kari is Yandere-level protective of her sister.
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