< Marble Hornets
Marble Hornets/Trivia
- Ascended Meme: Jay mentions Tim's sideburns (much-loved in the fandom) in Entry #53
- Fan Nickname: The Fanbase is fond of giving affectionate nicknames to characters. Slendy for the Operator, Masky for the masked man, Hoody for the man with the hood and the black ski mask, Skully for the figure with the skull mask in Entry #26 and so on. The man who Alex kills in Entry #49 is known as "Beardy" or "Bruce" depending on who you ask.
- Beardy Mc Whiteshirt!
- Tothe<location> has become something of a memetic phrase. It began when some commentators started referring to Masky as Tothearby, due to his actor gaining some weight between the seasons. This meme was reinforced in this video when Joseph(Alex)'s dog talks about going To. The. Park.
- One of Us: In the DVD commentary, Troy makes a reference to Dawson Casting - among other references that both he and Tim make to nerdy activities such as surfing 4chan and playing on his NES.
- Schedule Slip: Some of the later entries in Season 2 were victim of this. Troy would announce release dates for certain entries, but due to problems uploading the files he'd put off releasing them till the next day. Kind of immersion-breaking when he'd post as Jay on the Twitter page, saying he was having 'compression' problems with Youtube.
- Youtube's not really programmed to handle footage tainted by the supernatural, after all.
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