< Marathon Trilogy

Marathon Trilogy/Awesome

Just a typical day for the Security Officer

Before Master Chief and Cortana made themselves legendary, their revered predecessors kicked just as much ass.

Beware of spoilers

  • Basically everything Durandal ever does.
  • A few of Security Officer's feats includes:
    • Rampaging solo on various Pfhor ships, particularly in the first game, where he practically starts a species-wide revolution while at it.
    • Humiliating the Pfhor's best Heavy-Armor unit just for the hell of it.
    • Jumping through time/alternate dimensions/whatever in order to stop the Cosmic Horror from destroying the universe.
    • Meta: Doing all of above only with his FISTS when possible, Vidmaster style.
  • Action-packed Maps that also serve to empathize the badassness of the Security Officer:
    • Marathon: Try Again
    • Durandal: If I Had A Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Someone Pay and All Roads Lead To Sol
    • Infinity: You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!.
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