< Manyu Hikencho

Manyu Hikencho/YMMV

  • Bile Fascination: How most viewers become gravitated towards this series in the first place.
  • Complete Monster: Kagefusa to begin with, before becoming a sort of Anti-Hero.
  • Les Yay: Played with a lot. Especially with Kaede.
  • Older Than They Think: The show's obvious moral is based off historical conceits from many cultures where physical attributes (such as dainty feet or plumpness) were seen as attractive and the worth of a woman was based around them, often for fallacious reasons that, much like the show premise, resulted in warped societal standards of attractiveness.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: This show takes the idea that a woman's breast size equals her importance to society and mocks the hell out of it, showing that its a superficial distinction that does nothing to compensate for a woman's actual abilities, and it also shows that basing societal worth around a physical vanity corrupts many and makes society shallow and shortsighted, and the resultant societal shallowness results in some shitty social standards dominating the public consciousness regarding the worth of women.
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