Manhattan (film)

Woody Allen combines witty dialogue, the music of George Gershwin, and atmospheric locations -- shot in glorious black and white by Gordon Willis -- to fashion the bittersweet romantic comedy Manhattan. Isaac (Allen), a neurotic television writer in his forties, is romantically involved with Tracy (Mariel Hemingway), a 17-year-old student. But things get complicated when he starts to date Mary (Diane Keaton), the ex-mistress of his best friend (Michael Murphy). The film is highlighted by exceptional comedy teamwork that evolved between Keaton and Allen over the course of their six movies together to date, including a dramatic turn for Keaton in Interiors the year before and her Oscar-winning performance in Annie Hall in 1977.
Manhattan was added to the National Film Registry in 2001.
- Big Applesauce: It's a Woody Allen movie, and not one of his comedies; of course it's set in New York.
- Love Triangle: Isaac is involved with Tracy and Mary. There's also his ex-wife Jill (Meryl Streep), although by the time the movie takes place, she lives with her girlfriend.
- May-December Romance: Isaac is more than twice Tracy's age.
- Old Shame: Allen considered the film such an abject disaster that he told the studio he'd make another for free if they didn't release it.
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