< Man v. Food

Man v. Food/Headscratchers

  • Does this guy's cardiologist know what he does for a living?
    • According to an interview with him on a late night talk show (I forget which), yes! Adam Richman is apparently very careful about his health and eats well and exercises a lot when he's not filming just so the massive amounts of food he does eat for the show won't turn into a health problem.
      • The fact that he doesn't look like Temperance from House of the Dead 4 is a pretty good indicator, methinks.
  • Not a complaint on the show itself, but a frequent subject featured: Sandwiches with french fries stuffed in. Just... Why!?
    • Or the one case on the San Diego show: A burrito with French fries stuffed in.
    • Have you ever tried a sandwich with fries in it? It's really, really good.
  • A complaint on the show itself: here we have this guy, Adam Richman, consuming enough food per taping to feed a third-world country for a week. Sure, it's entertaining—I enjoy the show as much as the next guy—but... I mean, you know?
    • This is America, home of conspicuous consumption for sheer entertainment. Just imagine all the gasoline we burn up for NASCAR, the prime land and water consumed to make golf course greens, or our fascination with athletes of all stripes. One glutton is hardly a blip on the radar. He'd also lose big against members of IFOCE (yes, an international sport of gluttony), such as Chestnut--who in turn got has ass whooped on a regular basis by Sonja Thomas and Takeru Kobayashi.
      • Of course, Adam makes it a point to mention he's not a competitive eater in the opening narration.
      • The Original Poster is now even more depressed.
    • Also, note that these are official challenges that the restaurants have, so its not like he's the only one eating this much at these places.
    • Don't worry; seems that Alton Brown also disapproves of the show in the same way you do.
    • How can you sit here ENJOYING A TV SHOW when there are starving people in third world countries?!?
    • because there's nothing I can do about that
      • and yet somehow, by deciding to not do this show, Adam Richman can?
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