Man of the Century
A 1999 comedy farce, Man of the Century stars Gibson Frazier as Johnny Twenties, a fast talking newspaper man with a good grasp on the culture of the 1920s. Unfortunately for him, it's The Nineties, and he lives in New York City.
Unlike most cases of Born in the Wrong Century, Johnny avoids most of the problems that causes. He gets along fairly well, and has a good job at the Sun Telegram, a rather weary girlfriend who works at an art museum, and a lead on a great story that promises to put his newspaper right back on top.
Tropes used in Man of the Century include:
- Big Applesauce
- Big Damn Heroes: Johnny to Virginia, multiple times.
- Born in the Wrong Century: Johnny; his mother even more so.
- Cluster F-Bomb and Precision F-Strike: Pretty much everyone but Johnny, who relies on Unusual Euphemisms.
- Casual Danger Dialog: Johnny lives and breathes this trope.
- Damsel Scrappy: Virginia has shades of this.
- Paper-Thin Disguise
- Positively Swell
- Running Gag: The Rudolf Friml records.
- Servile Snarker: Hastings.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Tyrus and Squibb.
- Unusual Euphemism: By the truckload.
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