< Mama Bear

Mama Bear/Quotes

"Isolate the neurochemical factors that come into play when a mother sees her children being threatened; synthesize them; dose every female soldier with an aerosol of the stuff before you send her into the field. If any of the boys complain about women in the military after that, it’ll only be because they keep getting their asses kicked on performance reviews. Either that, or because they're scared shitless."

The Lower City is mine, its people are mine, its children are mine. When I find them that's doing this kidnapping and murdering, they'd best pray for mercy, 'cause once I get my teeth in them, I won't ever let them go.
Beka Cooper, Terrier by Tamora Pierce
Ellen Ripley, Aliens.
"Mommy's very angry."

She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity -- must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions -- not in these her honor dwells --
She the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else.

She is wedded to convictions -- in default of grosser ties;
Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies! --
He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild,

Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.
Why should I care how many people I have to kill?! [Stab] I Can just make MORE in my TUMMY! [Slash]
Kazumi Kato, The Order of the Stick

Time does heal -- they say. Still were I free now I would head straight for Marine Man Raymond and end him. I don't doubt even your pacific father would have resorted to violence.

I do long to hear the details from your tender lips. Please write me as soon as possible and recount everything. The telling will help, I assure you. Did he really break your nose? Snap your teeth? Are there still contusions on your face?

I confess even having to write these questions stirs a frenzy in the chambers of my soul. I would like nothing more than to tear out the liver of your purported protector and feed it to him with a hiss. He could semper fi that meal all the way to Hades. But since he is shielded from my wrath by my own confusions -- damn it! -- I shall invoke Hecate in her Acheron depths, and by scale of dragon, eye of newt, boiled in the blood of murdering ministers and Clytemnestra's gall, cast a great curse which shall fly directly on a dark wind and take up immediate residence in his body, daily chewing on his flesh, nightly gnawing on his bones, until many months from now, moments before the final spark of self-awareness expires, he will have witnessed the total dismemberment and consumption of every limb and organ. So written, so done. This curse is cast. Fuit Ilium.
Pelafina H. Lièvre, House of Leaves
In that moment, Lara was more than simply a vampire of the White Court, a succubus, pale and deadly. She was a reminder of days gone by, when mankind paid homage to blood-soaked goddesses of war and death, revered the dark side of the protective maternal spirit, the savage core of strength that still allowed tiny women to lift cars off their children, or to turn upon their tormentors with newfound power.
Harry Dresden, White Night
"Babies! My poor little poopsies!" (Cue Death Glare, and two seconds later, both Ariel and Eric are in a world of pain)

Count Piotr's hand slapped down hard on the table. "Good God, woman, where have you been?" he cried furiously.
A morbid lunacy overtook her. She smiled fiercely at him and held up the bag. "Shopping. ... Wanna see what I bought?" Cordelia continued, still floating. She yanked the bag's top open, and rolled Vordarian's head out across the table. ...

"But of course," Aral breathed. "Every Vor lady goes to the capital to shop."

"I paid too much," Cordelia confessed.

"That, too, is traditional."

A tigress robb'd of young, a lioness,
Or any interesting beast of prey,
Are similes at hand for the distress
Of ladies who can not have their own way;
But though my turn will not be served with less,
These don't express one half what I should say:
For what is stealing young ones, few or many,

To cutting short their hopes of having any?
Lord Byron's Don Juan, V.132.1-8
Mommy will get rid of the monster. That's what mommies do. They make anyone who tries to hurt their child wish they'd never been born.

Joyce Summers (holding a fire axe): You get the hell away from my daughter.

Spike:...Women. (runs away like a little girl)

"I'm like a mother eagle, Meg. Beautiful to look at, but mess with one of my chicks and I'll rip your f***kin' eyes out with my razor sharp talons!"
Lois Griffin, Family Guy
"And if you ever endanger my son again, I'll have to cut out one of your kidneys and force feed it to you."
Phobia, Gastrophobia
". . . . . . Just try laying one finger on Maria in front of me. I'll show you just how lukewarm the hell you came from really is!"
Rosa Ushiromiya, Umineko no Naku Koro ni
"You're a great mother! You're loving, and protective. You're like one of those mother lions in the nature films, that carries her babies around by the back of the neck. 'Cept sometimes ya get a little rough, and you rip their heads off."
Jakie to Roseanne
"She thinks that kidnapping Luke will stop me going after her. If Mrs Wormwood thinks that, she really doesn't understand motherhood!"
Sarah Jane Smith, The Sarah Jane Adventures, immediately prior to kicking ass and taking names.
"If any of you wolves have hurt my daughter, I will personally RIP out your eyes, and SHOVE them down your throat so you can see my claws TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN! "
Eve, Alpha and Omega, after her daughter disappears.
"You're a wonderful woman, and I wish you well, but if you ever hurt my kids again, they'll be wiping your blue blood off the walls. And I mean that in the nicest possible way."
Fran Fine, The Nanny, to C.C. Babcock after C.C. hurts the feelings of Gracie Sheffield, the youngest child under Fran's care.
Men will fight bravely and be heroes, but for last-ditch defense against any odds . . .get a Mother."
The One's Champion Young Wizards
"[Charity] was tall and broad-shouldered, for a woman, and I'd seen her crush more than one inhuman skull when one of her children was in danger."
Narration, "The Warrior", a short story in the Dresden Files 'verse
" “As usual, the challenge with portraying my character is that I am always in search of making her three-dimensional. Audra may be humorless and a hard-ass, but she loves her kids and is very challenged by this whole topic. I want parents to recognize Audra’s struggle and hand it to her for trying because I know the teen viewers aren’t going to have any sympathy for her. They’ll just see her as a bitch - case closed.”
'Ramona Milano, on Degrassis Mrs. Torres.
"They have your sisters. We have to get the girls back. And then we will kill them all."
Lady Stark, on Game of Thrones

Tom's Mother: What was the first day you knew you could kill someone, anyone at all, if you had to?
Claire: The first time I held my children.

Tom's Mother: It's our oldest, deadliest impulse, the need to protect our own at the expense of any other living thing. And we give that impulse such a nice name, don't we? [...] Love is a psychopath.

"There's nothing you could say to convince me you'd ever use that gun."

"Oh really? Well I'm looking for my children."
Madge Arwell, on Doctor Who ("The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe") Cue Oh Crap faces.
"Never underestimate a mama bear when her cub's in danger."
Mike Franks, on NCIS, regarding his daughter-in-law, the two men pointing guns at her daughter that she shot dead would probably agree.

The most dangerous place in the world is between a mother and her children

Moms have to be intelligent, knowledgeable, and capable of utterly destroying anything that dares to threaten their children.
Dan Shive in the author commentary of one of his strips.
"You come after my kids? You are dead, you hear me?"
Jack, Mass Effect 3
"[...]and the Mother could be stronger than the Warrior when her children were in danger."
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