Cute high-school girls, boobs, panty shots, battles, conspiracy, evil taking over the world... What's not to love?
Drawn by famed hentai artist Takeda Hiromitsu, the story takes place at a special school called Tenbi Gakuen, where the only students admitted are those who are able to control a source of energy found in all living things called "Element". Manipulating those "elements", they are capable to perform common psychic ability like psychokinesis..., to enhance their physical abilities and to be able to use magical artifacts called Maken. These Maken give the users specific and varied abilities, like superstrength, turning one's body into steel, manipulating water... There are two types of Maken, external and internal. External Makens look like normal weapons and add-ons, while internal maken are embedded inside the user's body. Since they are powerful artifacts used by ancient gods, students normally do not have true (i.e. original) Makens, but only use imitated Makens that are forged by resident Maken-smith Gen Tagayashi. Also, different countries apparently have different types of Maken, for example, the Jingu used by members of Venus group.
The story specifically revolves around a group of students called the Maken-ki, which is a special force unit under the school student council, whose responsibility is to mediate Duels between students in the school (exactly like what it sounds, i.e. fighting) and to resolve any disputes that are not Duels (i.e. not following the common rules of a Duel). Since the school is quite lenient regarding fighting between students, the Maken-ki group is often quite busy, and attracts powerful students to be its member, but it's an implied rather than official requirement. The Maken-ki unofficial responsibility is also to protect the school from external harm.
Tenbi Gakuen was originally a co-ed school, but turned to an all-girls school after an unsavory incident done by the boys. However, at the time the story takes place, Tenbi Gakuen has once again turned into a co-ed school, admitting a group of first year male students. Our protagonist, Takeru Ohyama, is one of them. At the school, he meets again his childhood friend Haruko Amaya, a strange girl claimed to be his fiancee Inaho Kusiya, and a blonde Ojou Kodama Himegami, who initially has some strong enmity against him, but soon becomes one of his friend. He also meets a like-minded male student Kengo Usui. After a whim by the school principle Minori Rokujou, he and the three girls end up living in the same room. Furthermore, after being persuaded by Haruko, Takeru decides to join the Maken-ki, where he meets another bunch of cute girls. Cue the harem, my friends. Takeru initially has no compatible Maken, and has to wait for a bit of time for Gen to make him one, and understandably, he turns into a typical weak but want-to-protect-everyone type of hero, even though all the girls surrounding him are much more competent that he is. Even after having a Maken, he's still quite incompetent. Fortunately for him though, he has a berserk mode, i.e. Blood Pointer, which allows him to absorb "elements" around him (from his enemies and friends alike) and release it in a crippling shot.
It is quite a typical harem-ecchi-magical girlfriends (sort of) manga and it could be quite a read if you're in these sorts of thing. The art lives up to the artist's hentai fame, and so does the ecchi. Even though you're not in it for the ecchi, there's still some good fight in there.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: In episode 1 of the anime, at two different instances, one in the middle and after the ending credits. Both count as Unprovoked Pervert Payback as well. The latter is especially ridiculous as Takeru is asleep at the time it happens.
- Absolute Cleavage
- A-Cup Angst: Kodama, justified when she sees that Haruko wore pads in her bikini.
- Hilariously invoked again in episode 9 during the pool battle. Her two spirits inadvertently insult her bust size as well, causing her to chuck them away along with Kengo later.
- Accidental Kiss: When Himegami falls on top of Takeru, their lips connect.
- Accidental Pervert: Takeru
- Action Girl
- World of Action Girls: All of whom could probably beat you up. Not that the guys in the series seem to mind it however...
- All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles: In the OVA. Syria shows up just in time attack it, only to purposely get captured by the same octopus when she sees the other girls calling for him to help them just so she could do it as well. The girls immediately point it out.
- All Men Are Perverts: Even when they aren't, they are SEVERELY punished for it.
- Animal Motifs: Inaho ties two small parts of her hair in side topknots, which make her resemble a Catgirl at first sight. She also acquires a pet cat which she often carries around on her head.
- Her perpetual Cat Smile doesn't help matters, either.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Tenbi Gakuen, Kamigari
- Beach Episode: The OVA.
- The Beautiful Elite
- Badass Grandpa: Ouken Yamato
- Battle Aura: The girls often form one when fighting, or when they're mad at the guys.
- Berserk Button: Takeru
- Big Bad: Ouken Yamato
- Big Damn Heroes: The Venus merc unit does this for Haruko at the end of episode 12, allowing her to perform one to save Takeru.
- Takeru himself gets one in the first part of the OVA, and later the entire Maken-Ki does one for him, Haruko, and Inaho.
- Bleached Underpants: The artist has done Hentai mangas, some of the Netorare Genre; ever since Takeda has appeared less frequently in the erotic manga scene, and for Doujinshi works he will always use a pen name now.
- Boring but Practical: Takeru's Maken, Overblow, which causes the Maken he touches to increase its power exponentially, to the point that the user will not able to control and use it anymore. Nothing flashy, but quite effective. Also a double edged sword however, if the user has enough ability to control the Maken.
- Brainwashed: Ouken can do this to anyone he pleases, including rewriting memories and entire personalities. Therefore, everyone is terrified of him.
- Bromantic Foil: Usui Kengo
- Buxom Is Better: Aki-sensei breasts (the largest of the cast) make her popular with all the boys and a source of envy with all the females.
- Cat Smile: Inaho's default expression. Takeru has one for a moment in episode 1.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Takeru, sort of
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Between Inaho and Takeru, although he seems to have forgotten it. Hence why he's just as confused as everyone else when she declares to be his fiance in the first episode.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Haruko. She often beats up Takeru even if he's innocent, and even goes so far as to move into the 3-bedroom apartment that Takeru is staying in with 2 other girls, of course to ensure that nothing indecent is being done.
- Surprisingly subverted with Inaho. She gets jealous, but not clingy the way Haruko does, nor does she beat him up over other girls trying to take him.
- Clothing Damage: happens all the time for the female characters. Why? Why not?
- Cloudcuckoolander: Inaho has shades of this, first of all by immediately declaring Takeru to be her fiancee on site.
- Color Failure: Happens to Azuki in episode 4 after Takeru and Himegami see her working in a maid cafe.
- Cross-Popping Veins: A few characters display these. Haruko seems to develop them anytime a girl is too close to Takeru.
- Cute Bruiser: Azuki probably plays it the straightest, but technically all of the main girls.
- Cute Little Fangs: Syria.
- Cuteness Proximity: Himegami
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Especially if a gentle breeze just happens to be blowing at the time...
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Akaza Cha Cha
- Date Peepers: Chapter 5/Episode 4.
- Denser and Wackier: The Yonkoma Spin-Off: Maken-Ki - Inaho and Friends, aside from original jokes it contains some events from the main series retold, with humor undertones.
- Deus Sex Machina: Ouken Yamato regains strength by having sex with several dozen women. It is not clear if the women survive this process.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Haruko, in a maid outfit, covered in cream from head to toe, a puddle of the stuff on the ground.
- Elemental Powers: Himegami has Shock and Awe and Playing with Fire.
- Empathic Weapon: Murakumo, Haruko's Maken
- Explaining Your Power to the Enemy
- Eyes Always Shut: Marsa Minerva Lampshaded unlike most examples.
- Fan Service: all over the place
- The Fashionista: Himegami
- Fiery Redhead: Azuki
- Fighting Series
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: Inaho and Takeru made a promise a long time ago and the latter forgets about her
- Gainaxing
- Gender Bender: Celia Ootsuka
- Genki Girl: Inaho and Syria. Especially when the topic of Takeru is involved.
- Genre Savvy: Minerva mentions how Takeru is living in a Harem series when she visits his room with 3 of the main girls.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Green-Eyed Monster: Largely Haruko anytime a girl shows interest in Takeru, although the male students also display this trope as well for similar reasons.
- Hair Decorations
- Harem Hero: Takeru is a type 2A.
- Head Pet: Monji, the cat Inaho finds in episode 6, does this to her a lot. She doesn't seem to mind it.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Takeru
- Hospital Hottie: Aki, the school nurse. Bonus points for having a penchant to use her special powers for magical Intimate Healing.
- Hot Teacher: Aki-sensei for the guys, Akaya for the girls, who often Squee when he's around.
- Imagine Spot: Haruko has a couple of these.
- Innocent Cohabitation: Takeru is put in the same dorm room as Inaho and Himegami purely on a whim. Haruko joins in with the excuse of keeping things in check (of course she most likely has a deeper reason).
- I Thought It Meant: In episode 8, after Haruko and Inaho discover that Syria took Takeru on a date, they find a letter on one of Syria's friends that mentions S&M. Both girls immediately have perverted thoughts, until they find out what those letters really meant. It was Song & Music, since Syria was a pop idol, and was going to sing all of her songs to Takeru, who seems bored of it.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Inaho seems okay if Takeru doesn't choose her, so long as the other girl he chooses is Haruko. She still gets jealous if any other girl shows interest in him however.
- I Will Protect Her: Takeru is chock full of this trope anytime he sees a girl in danger. Also inverted with him and most of the other main girls who will often go out of their way to save him.
- Lens Flare Censor
- Megaton Punch: The male characters are often on the receiving end of these, for both justified, as well as unjustified reasons.
- Meido: Azuki. Practically all the main girls in episode 11 when they work there for a special event to raise money for a school trip.
- Ms. Fanservice: Aki-sensei, the school nurse. Huge chest, skimpy clothing, and she performs her magical Intimate Healing by straddling her patient in Reverse Cowgirl position. Turns out she's a virgin.
- Syria invokes this trope as well when she shows up later in the season. During her introduction in episode 8, several scenes are of her wearing various outfits. She even lampshades this trope in episode 9, when Kengo pulls off the top of her swimsuit, only to find out she has a bikini underneath. She then mentions saving the Fan Service for later, and the very next scene shows some bouncy stuff. Several male characters also point this trope out right after.
- Mundane Utility: Celia's maken allows her to invert anything. She first uses it to reverse velocities (throwing someone running towards her backwards), but she soon proves capable of using it on more abstract things. At one point she reverses Takeru's determination, causing him to just stop fighting. She mostly uses this awesome power to be a girl.
- Naked People Are Funny: Invoked by Himegami in chapter 7, where she and Haruko greet Takeru in their underwear to make him laugh.
- No Animals Were Harmed: In episode 3, a bear wanders into the pool area where the Kenkeibu are meeting up. They're forced to deal with it, and they use their various abilities to launch the bear away via a giant wooden plank, but then make a magical cushion appear to avoid making the bear go splat against the mountain. A few scenes later the bear, a bit dizzy but no worse for the wear, wanders off after recovering.
- Nosebleed: Takeru and Kengo suffer these from time to time. Uruchi has one when Haruko's breasts get groped in the OVA.
- Oblivious to Love: Largely played straight with Takeru. Lots of girls throw themselves at him, but he doesn't seem to take it any further. Then again, Haruko has a habit of beating him up if they do try anything with him too...
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Pretty much all the guys in the series. Goes so far as to put them in the background in their own Corner of Woe at the opening title, while the girls are prominently displayed up front.
- The entire Maken-Ki feels this way after witnessing Minori's power punch in the OVA.
- Positive Discrimination: The female cast are shown to be vastly superior in using their Maken and in overall strenght, while the male cast are relegated to a few instances where they do win against the girls at some particular event, but even so it's mostly exclusive to Takeru due his protagonist privileges and male antagonists, with the latter being a blatant obstacle for the girls to overcome.
- Proper Tights with a Skirt: Haruko
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Inaho a benevolent example.
- Also Syria/Celia
- Redheaded Hero: Takeru
- School Idol: Celia is an idol from America. Turns out she's a wrestling idol. Should have done a little more research before you tried to tackle her, Inaho.
- Sensei-chan: The school principal Minori is a borderline case. She is relatively young, sexy, ditzy and often on friendly terms with students (e.g. she allows the students to call her by her first name). However, she can be very authoritative when she wants to be. Being one of the strongest fighters in school certainly helps her in it.
- Shout-Out: When a bear shows up at the Maken-Ki's meet and great, one of the girls comments that if they get it wet, it will turn human. It is then speculated that there is likely a little black pig and wet pretty girl nearby.
- Skinship Grope: Happens a few times, especially in the OVA.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Syria or Celia
- Super-Deformed: Inaho in the 4Koma, she's perpetually chibified.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: With regards to unexplained expense claims for bear-related books and stuffed animals:
"I-I've never even heard of Ma-chan the Koala!"
"Me, neither.. I don't know her little brother, Pu-chan, either!"
- Haruko usually denies having any interest in what Takeru is doing, but the other characters, especially Himegami, see right through it.
- Thanks for the Mammary: Right at the start with Takeru and Haruko.
- Title Drop: Happens in episode 3.
- Too Hot for TV: The series has some questionable use of Lens Flare censor, while in some cases they are rightfuly blocking bare breasts, other times they're blocking Panty Shots, for no reason other than blocking some detailed lines of their parts, it wouldn't so bad if it didn't happen frequently.
- Tsundere: Haruko is a Type B. Himegami is a Type A.
- Wingding Eyes: Syria's always seem to have hearts in them.
- Won the War, Lost the Peace: Played for laughs in episode 9. The boys want coed swimming classes, while the girls want segregated ones. They decide on it by having a boys vs girls water calvary battle. In the end Takeru is the last person with his headband still on, and the boys win. But then the girls force the boy with the invisibility Maken to turn them all invisible, so while they're in the pool together, and the girls can be heard, none of the boys can see them.
- World of Buxom: Somehow Takeru always seems to find his hand or face in them as well.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Takeru. Justified by the fact that he developed this complex because of the tragic death of his mother. Other characters, however, repeatedly warn him that he has to get over this.
- Arguably full-out deconstructed when someone asks him what he would do if he saw a girl beating up another girl (a very real possibility in this school), and he can't come up with an answer. "Unless you're saying it's all right for girls to beat up girls?"
- Zettai Ryouiki: Himegami Type S
- Zombie Apocalypse: Played for Laughs. All of the male students in Takeru's class essentially have that "look" when Syria arrives in their class in episode 8 and proclaims him to be her boyfriend. They even parody bringing him down as if to eat him, only to beat him up. When Inaho gets upset at Syria's declaration, Kengo immediately points out that Takeru doesn't have long to live anyway, right before they take him down.
- ↑ who is probably the biggest in the harem