< Magick Chicks

Magick Chicks/Characters

Main Characters

Melissa Hellrune

The leader of the three protagonists, collectively known to fans as the Hellrune Coven, sixteen year-old witch Melissa Hellrune and her friends have been transferred to Artemis Academy for causing a school-wide gender bending incident back at their old Ghoul School Charybdis Heights. Once at the top of the social ladder, Melissa has immediately found herself little more than a nobody at Artemis Academy. Refusing to let her queen bee status go she immediately begins plotting on how to take down Faith Abbott, the student council president and the single most popular girl in Artemis Academy. To top it off she and her friends have to keep under wraps that they're witches in a school for monster hunters.

  • Alpha Bitch: She used to be this back at her old school and though still the alpha of the coven Cerise's continuous popularity grabs succeeding make it seem as though even that is starting to slip through her fingers.
  • Blondes Are Evil: As evil as you can expect a popularity-obsessed high school girl to be.
  • Break the Haughty: This seems to be the basic goal of her and the Hellrune Coven being sent to Artemis Academy in the first place. It debatable if its working but its certainly frustrating her to no end.
  • Can't Get Away With Nothing: Nothing she's planned has worked out the way she's wanted so far. The fact that Cerise has the exact opposite happen only seems to amplify her frustration.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The magical girl dream from the first page twice now. The first time during her fight with Faith, and then when it turns out she really is a Magical Girl.
  • Elemental Punch: Her version goes "Slap-ZAP".
  • Humiliation Conga: She's been on one from the word go, but now she's hit her low point when its revealed that she's a Magical Girl, not a witch.
  • It's All About Me
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She may be petty enough to be concerned with something like being the top of the social chain at school, but when Hekate mind-controls two students to kill Faith and Tiffany and destroy the wand Mel admits to not wanting the two of them to get hurt.
  • Magical Girl: If the hat fits...
  • Power Glows: Twice, but the big one is when she finally gets a hold of the wand!
  • Power Levels: Though she's unaware of it she's generated a "level nine magical event" that has the Artemis staff on edge. Or was subjected to it. Anyway, now she alone can perform magic that should have been impossible without her coven.

Jacqui Brightmoon

Childhood friend of Melissa and the second of the protagonists sixteen year-old Jacqui is for all intents and purposes a stereotypical boy crazy high school girl. Like Melissa, Jacqui is a witch who specializes in illusions and glamour. Unlike Melissa and Cerise, Jacqui doesn't seem nearly as concerned with rising to the top of Artemis' social system. Usually the ditz of the group Jacqui's attention span is about as long as the distance to the nearest cute guy. Though easily distracted her moments of competence raise questions of if its just an act or not...

  • Childhood Friends: With Melissa.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Though she's undeniably ditsy, she has shown herself to be a capable fighter against Chastity, and capable of quick thinking.
  • The Ditz: Or is she?
    • Genius Ditz Between casting an illusion spell on multiple people at once turning a "fight" into ballet under her control, disrobing to cover for the fact she's rummaging through her teacher's desk, and the whole affair with the librarian, Jacqui is obviously far from stupid, but she's often distracted and acts air-headed half of the time.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Or at least "confident about it rather than blushing and babbling". Anyway, she can.
  • Genki Girl: Very upbeat, if not always. Especially exasperating to Sandi during their "bonding experience".
  • Glamour: Her speciality.
  • Hot for Teacher
  • Hot Librarian: The disguise she used to seduce Mr. Delatorre.
  • Master of Illusion
  • Motor Mouth: Its powerful enough to send even Faith running out of the room in horror.
  • Really Gets Around
  • Squee: Her reaction to her teacher, Leandro Delatorre.

Cerise Darkshade

The third and final of the protagonists, fifteen year-old witch Cerise Darkshade may very well be even more ambitious than Melissa in climbing the social ladder. With a plotting streak that would make Starscream himself proud, Cerise seems to be constantly thinking of ways to overthrow Melissa as leader of the Hellrune Coven and has even used her as a shield against a gender bending beam during the Charybdis Heights incident. Now at the bottom of the social ladder with Melissa and Jacqui, Cerise has set her sights beyond the coven and is now focused on the ultimate victory of reaching the top of Artemis Academy before Melissa can.

  • Ambiguously Bi: During her original appearance on Eerie Cuties she dismissed Layla as too stuck up for her tastes. When she first learned that Artemis was an all girl's school the first thing out of her mouth was "We're gonna become lesbians," and now she's looking for a girlfriend to boost her popularity amongst the student body.
    • The ambiguity is starting to fade. Following her kissing Calista she remarks at how nice it was before immediately starting to rationalize it.
  • Can't Get Away With Nothing: Averted. Thus far she's gotten away with backstabbing Dusky and even winning a fight against Skye off of pure dumb luck. It infuriates Melissa to no end.
  • Evil Redhead: Most certainly the most manipulative of the Hellrune Coven.
  • Karma Houdini: She's getting away with every plot she's hatched mostly completely unscathed.
  • The Starscream: Plots to overthrow Melissa.
  • Summoner: The biggest magic we've seen her use thus far. She can summon a bear chimera named Toby with a love for baconator burgers and a giant bee who's stingers are tipped in a paralytic venom.

Faith Abbott

An esper, Faith Abbott is Artemis Academy's most powerful student, the student council president, and the object of affection for just about every girl in the academy. Ultimately not caring about the affections of her fellow students (though she does enjoy having fun with them) Faith wastes no time in welcoming the coven to Artemis. With formalities out of the way Faith immediately sets out to bring the one girl she has no hold over under her charms: Melissa.

  • The Ace: Let's just say she's multi-talented and leave it at that, shall we?
  • Alpha Bitch: She's the student council president, and no one seems to have any objections based on the fact that every girl in the school seems to have a crush on her.
  • Bi the Way: Though the student body practically throws itself at her the only ones she seems to genuinely love thus far are Ash and more recently Tiffany.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Though ever since she started hanging out with Tiffany its seen that she's really not so bad. If anything she's proving to be a pretty nice girl.
  • Foe Yay: With Ash.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Despite being an Alpha Bitch, and an occasional Jerkass, Faith's had a pretty good run. Ironically, karma comes a knockin', right when it seems she was making a change for the better.
  • Manipulative Bitch
  • Really Gets Around: She's not ashamed to admit it and even Tiff had to admit she went a little far when she called her on it.

Faith: Don't slut-shame me, Tiff. I won't apologize for liking sex.
Tiffany: I...okay, m'sorry. For that part.

Tiffany Winters

Like the Hellrune coven, sixteen year-old vampire hunter Tiffany Winters originated in Eerie Cuties where she spent most of her time trying (and failing) to hunt the students of Charybdis Heights. When not at school she's usually either busy with her job at the local department store or continuing her hunt of Eerie Cuties' Layla, a vampire who is oddly enough her best friend as well. An overly-zealous monster hunter, Tiffany is the closest thing the Hellrune coven has to a friend in Artemis Academy after saving them from their first run in with Faith.

  • Bad Liar: C'mon, Tiff, everbody's seen through MMAA gig by now. Not to mention the status of your sex life.
  • Hanging Out With Batgirl: Tiffany's best friend is Layla, a vampire, who she still considers a potential target.
    • And now Faith has extended an offer to have her become her official girlfriend.
    • As of the latest strip, Faith has begun courting her.
      • And she put up little more than a smile as resistance when Faith went fishing for a kiss after Hekate made two students attack them.
  • Dumb Blond
  • Enemy Mine: for Layla, mixed with massive Les Yay, to the point where the distinction is completely obliterated.
  • Expy: It's very clear who she wants to be. Just look at her name.
  • Fantastic Racism: Goddess help the Hellrune coven if Tiff ever figures out they're witches... and does not take the flimsiest excuse to convince herself that nothing strange is going on. Remarkably, this is superficial - when not in theatrics mode, she offhandedly mentions that witches couldn't be a serious problem compared to Faith.
  • The Hunter: Comes from a family of monster hunters.
  • Idiot Hero: See the Smoke Out example below.
  • Large Ham: Oh so much.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: As the Mysterious Masked Academy Avenger.
  • Smoke Out: She thinks she's the local superhero and does this to disguise her identity. She's very, very bad at it.


Sandi Mnemonic

Faith's right hand and student council intel expert, Sandi Mnemonic has a crush on Faith as big as the sun itself and quite literally purrs when praised by her. Despite less than stellar treatment Sandi is intensely loyal to Faith going along with whatever plan she hatches and does whatever she can to please her, even if it leads to physical pain in some cases. She has a massive amount of disdain for Ash, which is reasonable considering he and Faith are more or less dating.

  • Meganekko
  • Number Two: To Faith.
  • Hopeless Suitor: She's probably the only girl who hasn't garnered Faith's attention.
  • The Smart Girl: She's really good with data. So much so that Faith is genuinely curious whenever she can't get information on any given subject.


Ash is the ace of Apollo Academy and Faith's more or less boyfriend. Not much is known about Ash at this point beyond the fact that he's skilled enough to fight Faith on even ground, take on multiple lesser opponents at once, and is seemingly adored by the girls of Artemis as much as Faith herself.

Ash: You're at Artemis Academy, aren't you?
Melissa: Um...just started...
Ash: Did I steal your breastplate? Sorry, that's just a thing we do there.
Melissa: Um...no! But...you could...if you wanted to...

  • Testosterone Poisoning: During his second brief guest spot on Eerie Cuties he unknowingly endured three hours of having his energy drained by a Doompanty charged Chloe and her two lesser succubi minions. When he runs off to go meet up his sparring partner they're left utterly amazed that he was still standing. Did we mention that he was identified as a prime target because of how far they were from him when they first detected his testosterone levels?

Chloe: This is...impossible! You should be starved of energy by now!
Ash: I am starved! But nothing a half-dozen angus burgers on the way can't fix!

Callista "Deadeye" Archer

Callista is the last member of Faith's trio and head of the schools archers. Focused and deadly accurate with her bow, she makes up the muscle of Faith's group before Faith herself. She enjoys a fair amount of popularity herself. Despite her confident and focused appearance recent discoveries imply that in reality she may actually be rather shy, at least when it comes to matters of love.

  • The Archer: Its her last name and she certainly lives up to it. She's accurate enough to shoot the skirts off the Hellrune Coven from the rafters. And to shoot a spider off of Cerise.
  • Badass Adorable: Despite the smirks seen early on, the uncanny accuracy, and a focused, collected personality expected of The Archer she gets really panicky when Cerise asks her out, complete with blushing, stammering, and even calling herself plain.
    • Confirmed by her reaction, after being kissed by Cerise.

Callista: (runs away, blushing) "Ihadfunseeyouatschoolbye!"

  • Meaningful Name: Callista Archer? Must we really explain it?
  • One-Way Visor: A set piece of her ensemble. Its apparently designed to help with her aim. She seems to constantly have it on, which is made evident when Cerise takes it off and it leaves an impression on her face.

Leandro Delatorre

One of the teachers at Artemis.

  • Bishonen: Oh so very much.
  • Cool Teacher: He saved Jacqui from a Scary Librarian by flirting with her. The librarian was actually Jacqui using a glamour spell to achieve just this.
  • Hot Teacher
  • Megane
  • Stoic Spectacles: The only time thus far he's shown any significant amount of emotion being when the principal told him about Melissa causing a level 9 magical event and when Jacqui shows up half naked on his desk after class.
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