Magical x Miracle
Magical x Miracle is a six-volume Shojo manga by Yuzu Mizutani.
Merleawe, a fourteen year old girl, has just come to the kingdom of Viegald to learn magic. On her way to her first day of school, she is kidnapped by a man named Vaith and taken to a castle. She learns that Viegald is in danger because of the disappearance of the great Sylthfarn, the master wizard, who's the most important person in the country, perhaps even more than the royal family.
Merleawe is asked to impersonate Sylthfarn to protect Viegald's peace agreements with neighboring countries. She agrees, but there's just a few problems: she can't do more than simple, basic magic, and she knows next to nothing about the master wizard she's supposed to be taking the place of. As her new friends search continue to search for the wizard while they teach her how to imitate him, Merleawe struggles to discover her own identity, and that of Sylthfarn.
- Arranged Marriage/Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Seraphia and Sylth were engaged at the request of the king, but they really do like each other.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Fern, at first.
- The Big Guy: Vaith.
- Costume Porn: Seraphia's dresses alone are gorgeous and incredibly detailed, and some of Merleawe's clothes are as well.
- Cute Little Fangs: Fern.
- Dead Person Impersonation
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Seraphia.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Surprisingly enough, Vaith.
- Detached Sleeves: The girls' school uniforms feature these.
- Fan Boy: Lecto, Mel's class president, towards Yue.
- Fan Girl: Tirika towards Mel.
- Friendless Background: Pretty much everyone Sylthfarn became close with at the castle before he met them.
- Friend to All Children: Glenn.
- Girlish Pigtails: Tirika.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Fern.
- Hidden Elf Village: The village of the Hahaze.
- Identical Stranger/Inexplicably Identical Individuals
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Yue and Glenn.
- Loveable Rogue: Despite being a knight, Vaith has elements of this.
- Mismatched Eyes: Yue.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Fern.
- Our Elves Are Better: The Hahaze (aka Onburu). They have an unusually high resistance to magical spells, resulting in them being used as bodyguards for important people. They have long, pointy ears and have super speed when they need it. Fern, the resident Hahaze, takes to his Elvish smugness in the form of being the snarky Non-Human Sidekick. They seem to have some Celtic influences.
- Over-the-Shoulder Carry: Vaith does this to Mel when he first meets her and realises she is the perfect double for Sylthfarn. Since this is literally the first time they meet, Mel assumes he's kidnapping her.
- Princess Curls: Seraphia.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Ardi and partially Yue.
- Ship Tease: Mel seems to have a crush on Vaith, and later on in the series Fern seems to have a crush on Mel.
- Shrinking Violet: Merleawe. She eventually grows out of it enough to harass the king of one country and take on the master wizard title under her own identity.
- Shorter Means Smarter: Sylthfarn is 4'11". He is the smartest and most powerful man in the country.
- The Smart Guy: Yue.
- The Sociopath: Ardi. He hit a girl when she confessed she liked him and found it amusing to watch her cry.
- Ship Tease: A minor one, but it's implied that Merleawe likes Vaith, and later on it seems as though Fern has a crush on Mel.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome/Tall, Dark and Snarky: Vaith and Yue.
- Token Mini-Moe: Seraphia.
- Token Shota: Fern.
- Tsundere: Yue.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Sylthfarn.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Merleawe.