Magical Misfits
Magical Misfits is a comic set in the far future after magic has returned, turning some of humanity (and killing the rest) into mythological beings.
Tropes used in Magical Misfits include:
- After the End
- Alliterative Name
- Bald of Awesome: Wheels
- Cameo: A lot
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: As seen here
- Gadgeteer Genius: Wheels. To a positively unprecedented degree.
- Good Republic, Evil Empire: Strongly averted by The Federation, spacefaring bad guys who are ruled by a Democratic Council and are made up of an extraordinarily diverse variety of races.
- Handsome Lech: Wander.
- Jenny Everywhere
- Kudzu Plot (due to Loads and Loads of Characters)
- Magic Versus Science: Largely averted - Wheels is a "Grand Wizard of Technology" and the two come together. Also, the alien Federation's technology is capable of drawing energy from magic.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Has participated in several Halloween Cameo Capers & the Crossover Wars.
- Mechanical Horse: Created the robot Pegasi used in The KAMics
- Monochromatic Eyes: Magic users have eyes of one color.
- No Fourth Wall: Several characters know they are fictional.
- Our Dragons Are Different: An interesting example, in that the (fairly conventional) dragons of the Misfits' dimension get to meet the unusual, humanoid, mammalian dragons of Public Humiliation`s universe.
- Pillar of Light: Caused by Whisper Song.
- President Evil: Peterson
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: The magic of Terra makes mechanical intelligences alive.
- Your Universe or Mine?: Dark Eyes got pregnant by Brian from the webcomic Prismatic Vodka.
- Zombie Apocalypse: As part of the 2008 Halloween Cameo Caper
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