Magical Battle Arena

In a different dimension from this world there exists another world, where every thousand years a legendary tournament is held
Magical Battle Arena is a 3D mid-air Massive Multiplayer Crossover doujin Fighting Game made by Fly System featuring the Magical Girls and female mages of different franchises.
Its plot is as follows: Every one thousand years, a legendary tournament called Magical Battle Arena is held, summoning several powerful female mages from different magical worlds against their will. A mysterious voice tells each one of them that they will need to win the tournament if they wish to return to their home, and that should they win, they will be granted one wish.
Eventually it's revealed that [1]. In addition to the management of Nowel, the maintenance of "Kyrios" requires the sacrifice of "Telos", a person who possesses strong control of magical abilities. The body of Telos shall rot inside "Kyrios" until they fall into a long sleep. The final duty of "Telos" is to select a new "Telos".
And the lucky tournament winner is the one who will become the new "Telos" (unless if they're ineligible due to various reasons then their friend becomes the prime candidate). It's a fate that has been repeated since far off ancient times.
Naturally, the tournament winner is quite against that plan, so after a huge Final Battle, Nowel's defeat despite the backing of "Kyrios" makes her realize that maybe "Kyrios" isn't the ultimate solution that she believes it is, and after the victor makes her realize that with all the other worlds out there, surely everyone can think of a better alternative together that won't require sacrificing anyone, the victor invites her to become friends (Or tries to get her to spill the principles of this world's magic. Depends on the character really)]].
Aside from the Story Mode, the game also includes a Multiplayer Mode that can be played for up to four players online, and also has a 2-player split-screen mode for those who wish to fight it out locally. The Lyrical Pack also includes a Survival Mode and Mission Mode that you can access after completing Story Mode on Normal without using continues.
The following are the characters included in the game, grouped by where they're obtained:
- Takamachi Nanoha (Nanoha Original)
- Fate Testarossa (Nanoha Original)
- Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Hoshizora Kirara (Magical Girl Kirara & Sarara ~Dioskroi Of Starlit Sky~, a related Eroge by the circle)
- Hoshizora Sarara (Magical Girl Kirara & Sarara ~Dioskroi Of Starlit Sky~)
Downloadable (patches v1.01 and up):
- Lina Inverse (Slayers)
- Naga the White Serpent (Slayers)
- Kukuri (Mahoujin Guru Guru)
- Ruru Gerrard (Original Generation, The Dragon, complete Story Mode using anyone to unlock)
- Nowel Diastasis (Original Generation, Big Bad, complete Story Mode using Ruru to unlock)
- Type I Gadget Drone (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, complete Story Mode using Nowel to unlock)
- Yagami Hayate (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's, complete Mission 10 to unlock)
- Vita (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's, complete Mission 20 to unlock)
- Takamachi Nanoha, (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, complete Mission 30 to unlock)
- Adult Fate
- Hikaru Shidou (Magic Knight Rayearth)
- Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayearth)
- Fuu Hououji (Magic Knight Rayearth)
The game's website can be found here, with demo movies found here.
Patches (which include the Slayers character and Kukuri) can be obtained here. To use the patches, extract the zip file and paste them over the files of the game folder. (Note, v1.04+ first, and then v1.05+. The latter only contains fixes for v1.04)
Some basic tutorials on how to play the game can be found here.
Some translations can be found in the following links: Option menu, Lyrical Pack related stuff, Nanoha, Fate, Lina, Ruru.
Under construction Fan Translation patch can be found here.
A new version named Magical Battle Arena: Complete Form was released during the 2009 Winter Comiket, and it features engine changes and the addition of Fate T. Harlaown.
- Anti-Villain: Nowel and Ruru, as the plot above shows.
- The Archer: Sarara
- Artificial Human: Nowel and Ruru
- Attack Drone: Sarara. Striker S Nanoha also uses Blaster Bits.
- Awesome but Impractical: Every character's Desperation Attack. All their Super Attack can hit a large area and multiple opponents, but the Desperation Attack is a one-on-one attack that if dodged leaves you wide open and vulnerable. Though, if it hits, you are almost guaranteed to win.
- Badass Back: Lina's Desperation Attack
- Barrier Maiden: The fate of the Telos.
- BFS: Jet Zanber
- Beam Spam: Blaster 3
- Berserk Button: Vita's Desperation Attack involves her opponent accidentally shooting off her Nice Hat.
- Big Bad: Nowel
- Bleached Underpants: Kirara and Sarara
- Cast from Hit Points:
- Striker S Nanoha's Blaster System, naturally.
- Literally with Lord of Nightmares Lina. Every time LoN attacks or flies, she loses HP. This is a reference to the original Slayers Light Novel, where every time the Lord of Nightmares attacks Phibrizo, its hold on Lina Inverse decreases, and eventually its possession of Lina's body ends.
- Charged Attack: Divine Buster, Axel Shoot, and some other attacks can either be fired instantly or charged for more damage. The characters with this ability can't move while charging, though. Other characters are restricted to fully charging before releasing them, but can move while doing so.
- Combat Tentacles: Gadget Drone, though it crosses the line into Naughty Tentacles with its highly suggestive-looking melee special.
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Averted in the stages with a lot of Gadget Drones, but applies during the five clone Mirror Match.
- Defeat Means Friendship: In addition to the above plot, Sakura and Kukuri ally with one other after they fight.
- Ditto Fighter: Sakura, thanks to The Mirror which allows her to morph into other characters à la Shang Tsung.
- Drop the Hammer: Vita
- Expansion Pack: Lyrical Pack
- Fan Nickname:
- Ruru, a.k.a. Gurren Lagann-tan, for obvious reasons.
- Also played with. In her Story Mode, Nanoha complains that most of the girls she has to fight are scared by her, and says something like "They see me as a sort of devil". What is her Fan Nickname? White Devil.
- Five-Man Band: If you squint a little, you could think of the five default characters this way.
- The Leader: Nanoha (The most straightforwardly heroic)
- The Lancer: Fate (Nanoha's counterpart, and a little rougher around the edges than most)
- The Big Guy: Kirara (The most physical of the girls)
- The Smart Guy: Sarara (Counterpart to Kirara, plus her moves have the most technological look to them)
- The Chick: Sakura (The girliest.)
- Golem: Naga's super move
- Giant Robot: The super move of the Magic Knight Rayearth girls.
- Glass Cannon: Hayate's got some of the best special offense in the game, capable of tearing out huge chunks of life from an enemy. The only problem is, she has to stand perfectly still and has to charge her moves before firing them.
- Older Nanoha can become this, when she has her Blaster mode on she hits harder than nearly anyone, only problem is...
- Gravity Sucks: Kukuri's Mini Planet
- Harder Than Hard: The aptly named Nightmare Mode
- Harmless Freezing: Freeze Arrow
- Hold the Line: Some missions require you to survive until the countdown ends.
- Hot-Blooded: Kirara
- I Believe I Can Fly: Flight is a requirement for any character to be included, due to the gameplay.
- An Ice Person: Naga's Dynast Breath, Hayate's Atem des Eis.
- Fundamentally Female Cast: The only non-female character in the game is the Gadget Drone.
- Jiggle Physics: Naga
- Joke Character: Gadget Drone Type I
- Lethal Joke Character: Kukuri. No, seriously.
- Magical Girl: ...yeah.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Ruru's ranged special
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Naga's Desperation Attack. If you know Naga, you should have a pretty good idea what this is.
- Making a Splash: Umi's Aoi Tatsumaki
- Mana Burn: Kukuri's Long Voiced Cat, which depletes a character's Charge Meter.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover
- Mega Crossover: Technically, as doujin games are essentially fan works.
- Mirror Match: Level five, where you fight five copies of yourself.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Naga
- Palette Swap: The Clones, and your opponents in Survival Mode.
- Panty Fighter: Magical Girls in skirts fighting in mid-air. Panty shots are inevitable.
- Pillar of Light: Nowel's super move
- Playing with Fire: Lina's Fire Ball and Gaav Flare, Sakura's Firey and Hikaru's Honou no Ya
- Power Fist: Kirara
- Purposefully Overpowered: Appropriately, The Lord of Nightmares
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Nowel and Ruru
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kirara and Sarara
- Roboteching: Axel Shoot and Plasma Lancer, amongst others.
- Shock and Awe:
- BemBem! Mou ii yo, mou ii! Mou ii yo~!
- Hikaru's Akai Inazuma
- Scenery Porn: The Cephiro stage added in version 1.70+ is WAY too well done.
- Sinister Scythe: Fate
- Spam Attack: Nowell's Desperation Attack as well as Sakura and Kirara's melee special moves. The former uses The Fight, if you're wondering.
- Sphere of Destruction: A lot of attacks, but especially Dragon Slave.
- Spiritual Successor: Touhou Sky Arena.
- The Dragon: Ruru
- This Is a Drill: Ruru
- Theme Twin Naming: Kirara and Sarara
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Hayate's Desperation Attack summons Nanoha and Fate and they use their attacks Starlight Breaker, Plasma Zamber Breaker and Ragnarök Breaker at the same time at the enemy... In the second season of Nanoha, this attack combo was used to destroy the Book Of Darkness, a being so powerful that entire armies couldn't defeat it.
- Throw the Book At Them: Hayate
- Wave Motion Gun: Come on. We've got StrikerS Nanoha here, of all people! Her "normal" Super Move is the Blaster-3 Starlight Breaker (alias five simultaneous Starlight Breakers aimed at a single target from multiple directions) with which she... er... officially adopted Vivio. It does even more damage than her Desperation Attack, and even if you manage to escape the beams the shockwave is so huge that in the smaller maps there is no way to avoid it, and in the bigger ones it will require a full bar of stamina to escape in time. In three word: Wave Motion Spam.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Hayate
- You Can't Fight Fate: Nowel's belief
- Screw Destiny: ...and your character's answer
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Nowel's is sort of a shade of lavender, and Naga's is purple.
- Zettai Ryouiki: A lot of them has this.
- ↑ all of that was a ruse, and that the true reason for the tournament was something far less trivial. A long time ago, researchers on an advanced world discovered that every dimension was connected to a single source, and that magical resources move back and forth between the source and the various worlds in an eternal cycle. However, whenever a major magical event occurs, the balance of magic in all dimensions will shift a bit, and when all of these little shifts pile up, larger dimension quakes will occur and, in the worst case scenario, lead to the destruction of all dimensions. To counter this, the ancient researchers devised a dimensional magic tuning system called "Kyrios", which is managed by an Artificial Human named Nowel