All the Tropes Made of Win

This page is intended to allow our various tropers to single out lines, edits, and entries made by other tropers that they feel are excellent examples of how to do the job. Be sure to mention what page you found the quotes on.
If what you wish to give a win to is easily quotable, go ahead and copy/paste it here for posterity. This is a wiki, and even the most hilarious pages can change at any time: for instance, while Natter can be hilarious and win-worthy, an editor may be entirely justified in deleting it from the page. However, editors who use the compliments on this page to specifically seek out things to delete, do so at the explicit risk of looking like a kill-joy. And if the admins catch you at it—especially for MOW items which aren't natter—you're going to have some explaining to do.
If you wish to give a win for something that has been on a page for a long time, it might be worth to do a quick check-through to see if it has already been nominated. Of course, no one minds getting a redundant win nomination.
Finally, if you're a refugee joining us from TV Tropes, your MOW score there and your MOW score here are two different numbers.
ATT Made of Win Archives
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Made of Win
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- From Elite:
In the game you start on Lave Station with 100 credits and a lightly armed trading ship, a Cobra Mark III. From here you seek fame, fortune and money via one of the many, many, different options open to you. You can:
- Collect bounties, which is dangerous.
- Become a pirate, which is more dangerous.
- Trade, the different planets have different economy types and tech levels that make this surprisingly complex.
- Perform military missions, when they come up and if you like death.
- Mine asteroids, if you like comas.
- (October 2016) LulzKiller made great cleanups on IBM Personal Computer that removed a lot of text not having much to do with the original PC machine.
- (September 2016) QuestionableSanity made the main description of Nineteen Eighty-Four less cluttered, moving the long and spoiler-filled recap to its own subpage. A lot of tropes were also moved to the Settings subpage, and that’s a good thing.
- (February 2016) On the Yandere Simulator talk page, Goo Monster suggested a cool idea for an animated GIF of the poster that replicates the title screen from the game (it’s quite violent).
- The page image on Morgan Freeman. Period.
- From Wild Mass Guessing/Literature/Purgatorio:
All the characters, except Dante and Virgil, are dead and in Purgatory cleansing their sins.
More astute readers may notice that each level of the mountain is really a veiled metaphor for a sin, and everyone who is on these individual levels seems to be suffering for something. It's not a great leap of logic to assume that the suffering is their penance for the sins they committed in life, and they are on this mountain to atone for their sins. Thus, the Mountain in Purgatorio may appear to be a mountain, but is really Purgatory.
- ...wait a minute.
A Tally for the Egocentric
- LulzKiller
- QuestionableSanity
- Goo Monster
Thanks for the effort.