< Made of Explodium
Made of Explodium/Playing With
Basic Trope: Things on TV or other media are prone to spontaneous combustion.
- Straight: Everything in the show, "Mr. Mechanic" explodes when it gets broken enough.
- Exaggerated: Jan drops an apple one foot on "Mr. Mechanic" and it explodes not unlike several nuclear bombs put into one.
- Justified: Everything literally is Made of Explodium.
- Inverted: Nothing explodes, not even active nukes.
- Subverted: When Jan drops her fragile remote control, it looks like it explodes, but it's only just smoke coming up from the spot the remote just happened to land on really quickly.
- Double Subverted: ...But a few seconds later the remote explodes.
- Parodied: Jan punches a punching bag. Camera zooms out to reveal the whole building exploding.
- Deconstructed: Technology has been virtually abandoned because of the constant danger of explosions.
- Reconstructed: Biotechnology is used to avoid this. "Normal" technology is used by militaries as weapons.
- Zig Zagged: Sometimes things explode, sometimes they don't.
- Averted: Things explode when they realistically are supposed to.
- Enforced: "Our show has no action. What's a cheap way of making explosions?"
- Lampshaded: "Jan, why does everything explode?"
- Invoked: The Mole has rigged all the hero's equipment to explode.
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: "I bet it's hard to fix something with all the exploding it would be doing."
Back to Made of Explodium because the locked door exploded when you touched it.
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