Machine Flower
Machine Flower is a webcomic by Pana Stamos about a Super Soldier project.
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Tropes used in Machine Flower include:
- Ambiguously Gay: Nine. Lampshaded by Three.
- Bishounen: Nine and Vincent.
- Cassandra Truth: The scene in the diner.
- The Empath: Two. Unusually for the character type, she's sociopathic and manipulative.
- Empathic Healing: Nine.
- The Fifties: According to the creator, someone deliberately created this aesthetic.
- Healing Factor: Nine.
- Loveable Sex Maniac: Three.
- The Medic: Nine. Probably all Appolonians.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Six, apparently.
- Robot Girl: Three
- Super Soldiers: The entire point of the Machine Flower Project.
- You Are Number Six: Averted with Laye.
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