< Machete


  • Alas, Poor Villain: Of all people, Booth.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: At the casting of Mel Gibson as the villain in Machete Kills. This is mainly it's pretty much a known fact that Machete will kill him.
  • Anvilicious: Invoked. The whole film is so insanely over-the-top that Rodriguez would have been crazy to try shoehorning in a serious political message; it's liable to make you laugh out loud whichever side of the U.S. Border debate you're on. Crosses into Fridge Brilliance when you realize the movie is done in the same spirit as ridiculously cheesy Blaxploitation flicks, where corny, awkward social statements, stereotypes, and violence against hilariously over-the-top oppressors were par for the course.
  • Canon Sue: Machete. You know it's true.
  • Complete Monster: Every major Big Bad is this. They have no qualms killing women, pregnant women, unarmed men, kids, preachers, and even their own Mooks.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Where to begin? Katanas vs. Machetes.
  • Ear Worm: "Machete Machete Machete Macheeeteeeee..."
  • Fetish Fuel: The twins from Grindhouse play nurses who have guns in the trailer. Let me repeat that: Hot, identical twin nurses with guns. Gets a bit awkward when you remember they're the director's nieces.
    • The unnamed naked girl in the beginning, who takes out a giant brick cellphone hidden in her erm... natural pocket. Too bad the mood's killed when she is.
    • Michelle Rodriguez's sheer presence drives the FF Quotient up considerably.
    • Lohan in a nun's habit was strangely arousing.
    • Rodriguez, Lohan and Jessica Alba all in the same movie defines Fetish Fuel. And imagine if Alba's twin sister hadn't wound up on the cutting room floor.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: In this film, Steven Seagal plays a Mexican drug lord who doesn't even bother to try an accent. In 2011, Seagal was sworn in as a sheriff's deputy in a west Texas county, charged with handling immigrants who try to—what else?--cross the border.
    • Thats really more Hilarious in Hindsight. Though admittedly the thought of Steven Seagal being given that much authority is a bit scary.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Booth crucifies the Badass Preacher.
  • Narm: "We didn't cross the border! The border crossed us!" Obviously intentional, and before that...
    • "Machete don't text."
    • Machete's wife's beheading is deliberately filmed, so that when Torres completes his swing, her head's still attached a good two seconds. The head falling to the ground is so fast and sudden, it's hilarious.
    • Machete's gigantic... machete. It's bigger than him.
  • Squick: The female hostage from the opening was hiding a mobile phone in her vagina. No! NO! Those do not go there!
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