< Lusnati Style

Lusnati Style/Quotes

"I think that's it.
Upon pressure from a certain dirty pair named Chemical Fire, as well as a bit of soul searching, I think that's it.
I'm on no mission from that fat sack of air called God. But I am done. I'm done distracting myself so that I can focus on what actually matters- and a bunch of scraps that I don't want to add to aren't among them.
I got this gem that I'd like to share.
"I need you to explain something to me. Speaking as Chemical Fire instead of "Guy on Chemical Fire's Keyboard." You sent it to me in regards to the chapter I made about Lisa and Double Lusnati Style: "It was just a distraction."
What the fuck? What the hell is with you needing a distraction so bad? You go to school, yet you need a distraction. You have a job, yet you need a distraction. I'd imagine someone with school and work wouldn't have time to distract themselves with scribbles and grayscale pieces. Instead, you go around offering your services as a beta to the one guy everyone wants to burn in my namesake because you aren't distracted enough?"
-Streamline, Chemical Fire
Yeah, it's kind of like that. I'm feeling pretty thankless for some of the life I try putting into my stuff, when all I really see in return is "Oh thank god you reappeared, where's this and that?" That's it, really? Thank god you're back so you can go back to entertaining me?
Streamline was right just then, I'm writing for a bunch of ungrateful teenagers in order to kill time. And even though this and Whiskey Corridor are pretty much the only things I have left by this point, I have absolutely no problem giving this up. If all I see is a bunch of kids telling me "Ooh, keep this up!" as opposed to, I dunno, getting on my case about this or that and really getting involved, what the fuck is the point? Exactly one person did so, but too little, too late.
But it's also got to do with another point made by the same people who've been harassing us over our worthless shit.
"What the hell are you distracting yourself for? Why are you writing for these ungrateful teenagers who, upon seeing a poll about whether or not you should write a parallel to the story you're currently doing - Noted for the fact that, since you can't help anyone to_distract_yourself, you have to do so yourself - they pick the option you probably jokingly put up there and tell you to go burn in my namesake. -
It's not what you want to distract yourself for, I'm pretty sure. More accurately, my question is "What are you running from." What the hell is it with school and/or work that makes you want to shut your mind off to it, that's what I wanna know. You got a fucking brain, you got fucking skills, and you got a fucking life. Why are you WASTING it? Why are you WASTING your goddamn ability to be someone more for a bunch of scumbag high schoolers who make nothing but excuses for themselves, yet try to cut you down so you'll be on their level?"
-Streamline, Chemical Fire
Why am I wasting it? I dunno. I was bored. But this boredom shit killed my talent. And I'm also not about to make excuses for myself. What's done is done.
So as to the curious, do you get to learn what happens? Haha, fuck you. You don't get to learn about Makoto Shizuo, you don't get to learn about Makoto Shouri, you don't get to see why he's the Oni, you'll never learn why there was supposed to be a Goddamn Devil, you'll never learn the significance of Haruhi-kohai.
And do you know why?

Because I'm tired."
Droplet Of Sour, Last Words (He got better).
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