< Luminous Arc 2

Luminous Arc 2/YMMV

  • Game Breaker: Althea's Resurrection can bring back a downed unit at full HP for the low price of 24 MP - give her a Lapis Seed ot two that restores MP, keep her out of danger, and any semblance of further defensive strategy can be thrown out the window.
  • Goddamned Boss: Bharva
  • That One Attack: BHARVA SMASH!! (i.e., his devastatingly powerful flash drive.)
  • That One Boss: Elicia's Second Form regenerates health almost as fast as you can kill it, throws out devastating Ao E magic and Flash Drives while regenerating skill points MUCH faster than it can spend them, is immune or resistant to just about everything, takes multiple turns per round, and forces you to walk UP a very long hill just to get to it. Furthermore, you can only fight it after taking on ANOTHER difficult boss battle, and you don't get to save OR heal up between them. On your first playthrough, you're better off throwing Mana Material and Dynamite at it instead of actually attacking, as they deal set damage and are unaffected by its high defenses and have good reach compared to most other abilities.
  • That One Sidequest: The spa battles. Complete with the game's most high levelled and stat specialized mooks, and That One Boss Vanessa which you fight FIVE TIMES, who can dish out damage equal to about twice your maxHP (at max level) in one hit. And you gotta do it for a minimum of three times over (through NG+ ) to view all the scenes for 100% completion.
    • Vanessa's Flash Drive (the one that'll do obscene, almost always one-hit kill damage to up to five? people in a single hit) can be easily blocked, depending on what Randomly Drops in the first two fights in the sidequest. If you get a Lapis Seed that completely blocks fire damage, just give it to someone with a ranged attack (preferably Luna, since she can Walking on Water by default). Have the character attack Vanessa while non of your other characters are in range of her Flash Drive, so she'll have enough FP to use it. She should use it on that character, if you positioned your other characters so that they'll be out of her range even after she moves. Then, bring your other characters in and try to take her out before she gets enough FP to use it again.
    • Fatima is immune to Vanessa's FD and Ayano's silver magic can block it.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Neatly sidestepped with Potpourri. Despite the game's use of marriage motifs and sexual themes, her scenes are either played for a different sort of drama (abuse of the power she hands out) or just for laughs (using Blah Blah Blah to skip long words during Uniting).
    • There's also the fact that the only shown Masters are male, and that kiss the Witches (no Wizards of course) to make their servitude official.
  • What an Idiot!: Sophia calls herself out on this when a traitor's identity is finally revealed.
    • Steiner says himself that Roland can only utilize the Runic Engine properly because he's Master Mattias's son and hence has some magic power. Despite this, he still give the 'enhanced' runic engines to a bunch of people, including himself, who have no such power, getting them all killed.
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