< Luminosity


"Requires no knowledge of, or affection for, Twilight canon."

  • Better Than Canon: How a lot of people feel about the fic.
  • Fiction Identity Postulate. To the friggin' max. There are a lot of people who loathe Twilight and love this fic.
  • Fridge Horror: Pointed out by the author] on TV Tropes. Allirea's state of rest - what happens when she's not actively exerting effort - is to be unnoticeable. This has always been the case for her. Anything that is clearly "about" Allirea is not worth notice unless she acts to counteract that default. She's also a half-vampire. This means that her mother died an agonizing death by childbirth. And no one cared.
  • Fridge Logic: An in-universe example. Luminosity's Bella is much more inquisitive and logical than Twilight's Bella and outright questions and resolves some Fridgy issues from the original books. The issue of female vampires not being able to procreate, for example, is resolved when Bella proposes freezing her eggs while she's human in the event that she may want children as a vampire.
  • Iron Woobie: Allirea. Jacob could count being forced to head a pack at fifteen, his father having been murdered and his sisters taken to Volterra. But he never complains and even manages to do a decent job as a Alpha. Cody also, his parents murdered and his siblings kept wolves and yet he is always joking and cheerful. More tellingly he does not resent Bella for surviving what killed his parents.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Allirea isn't particularly likeable, but no one deserves what she has to put up with.
  • Kuudere: Allirea. Creepy and obsessed with vengeance when we first meet her, but devoted to her family, especially her children.
  • No Yay: What the author said to the perceived Addy/Elspeth Les Yay. The reader base read so much Les Yay between (old vampire) Addy and (five-year-old) Elspeth that she edited the end of chapter 14 to avoid ending on a certain line.
  • One of Us: Her requested Christmas present was putting tropes on this page and putting the proper links back. Think she might be a troper?
  • Paranoia Fuel: Chelsea. You don't notice.
    • Allirea, for similar reasons.
  • Tear Jerker: Invoked Trope
  • What If: ...Bella were rational?
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