Loving Annabelle
Loving Annabelle is a film about a troubled teen named Annabelle who is forced into Catholic private school after getting kicked out of several other schools. Once there, she falls in love with her poetry teacher, Simone Bradley, and they enter into a controversial relationship.
Tropes used in Loving Annabelle include:
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Annabelle.
- Broken Bird: Simone.
- Forbidden Fruit: Society doesn't want them to be together because they're gay...and Annabelle's seventeen.
- Girls Love: Obviously.
- Les Yay: Also quite obvious.
- May-December Romance: Maybe more like May August romance if such a thing exists.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Annabelle is the only confirmed full-on lesbian among the students, though she does receive some same-sex flirtation from another girl.
- Secret Relationship: More to keep Ms. Bradley from getting arrested than simply due to the lesbianism between them.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Annabelle and Ms. Bradley.
- Will They or Won't They?: Annabelle and Simone.
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