Love Me Nice

Love Me Nice is a webcomic by Amanda Lafrenais. The story takes place in a world where toons are real and are actors in cartoons. The story focuses on Mac T. Monkey Jr., who is following in his father's footsteps by starring in Mac Sr.'s old show, as well as his co-star, Carolina, and his manager, Claire.

Found here.

Tropes used in Love Me Nice include:
  • Art Evolution: Really fast, too. The comic takes ten to twelve pages to settle into a consistent style, and by that point the look is almost completely unrecognizable from the first page. Carolina specifically takes a little longer, but same deal otherwise.
  • Blatant Lies: Carolina claims she got the boob job because Mac said they'd make her look more mature so that she'd be taken seriously; while Mac did say words which could be rearranged to make this statement, saying they were "advice" is taking some pretty grievous liberties with them (she actually did it because she was crushing on Mac at the time and wanted to get his attention).
  • Contractual Purity: Several of the characters (especially everyone involved in the Show Within a Show and most of Mac's relatives) have to maintain a squeaky clean image to protect the kiddy-friendly Mac T. Monkey brand.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Fran is attempting to make Elegant Toon Lolita take off as a fashion trend. So far, no dice -- it probably doesn't help that A) she's human, B) she's trying to spread this through her work as the frontwoman for Kelly's band, and C) said band is not exactly making the Top 100 lists.
  • Gossipy Hens: Gabby
  • Happily Married: Mac's parents seem to be quite happy together, even though Mac Sr. was something like twice Cassidy's age when they got married.
  • Oblivious Adoption: Carolina
  • Rule of Funny: A hardwired part of toon behavior; if there's an obvious joke to be had in a situation, a toon will instinctively walk into it. Mac once protests to Claire that this last week he's only slipped on, "like, three" of his own banana peels
  • Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!: Given a brief nod when Mac's mom threatens to ground both her kids, and her husband, for being weird in a maintenance closet. Mac Sr. declares that he is exercising the immunity afforded him by being her husband and the birthday boy on top of being old.
  • A show within a comic that's a revival of a show by the star of the original's son, while the comic is about the Son's life. Deep Huh?
  • Toon Town: Claire mentions that obvious toon products like Hammerspace bags are banned outside the "Toon Quarter", and mention was made of "Inkblot Grove", which was explicitly referred to as a de facto Toon Town, but neither one has been visited in the comic yet.
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