< Lovable Alpha Bitch

Lovable Alpha Bitch/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character (almost Always Female) who has some very Alpha Bitchy traits, but turns out to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.

  • Straight: Belle is spoiled, manipulative, gorgeous, popular, and even a bit nasty towards Alice and Carly, our heroes. Once Alice and Carly get to know her, however, they find that she's really not so bad, even kind of nice.
  • Exaggerated: Belle is a flat out Alpha Bitch, even a borderline Complete Monster... but she spends all of her free time at charities and nursing homes.
  • Justified: Belle's not the smartest girl in the world, so her beauty and wealth easily go to her head. However, her parents did bring her up right, teaching her to be nice to people.
    • Alternately, she's a former bullying victim who ascended to Alpha Bitch status. She hasn't forgotten the pain she suffered through and is resolved not to make other students suffer through the same thing.
  • Inverted: Belle is dirt-poor, and everyone assumes that she's nice. She's not.
  • Subverted: The niceness was all an act to get on Alice and Carly's good sides.
  • Double Subverted: However, Belle finds that more people like her when she's nice, and that she likes having friends, so she becomes nice--for real.
  • Parodied: See "exaggerated".
  • Deconstructed: Belle is an Alpha Bitch who decides to be nicer to people, but because of her previously Alpha Bitchy behavior, no one trusts her and she finds it difficult to make friends.
  • Reconstructed: Alice and Carly, seeing Belle sitting alone at lunch, are reminded of how bad it made them feel and decide to join her. Once they get to know her, they realize that she really has changed.
  • Zig Zagged: Belle isn't so bad once you get to know her... but that was all an act... but she becomes nice for real... though she has a tendency to sink back into her old habits... until Alice points this out, at which she shapes up.
  • Averted: Belle is an Alpha Bitch, and not even a little bit nice.
    • Or, Belle is nice, never a mean girl.
  • Enforced: "Hmm... Belle needs some Character Development."
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, who knew that she can be so sweet when she wants to?"
  • Invoked: Belle realizes that she doesn't have many real friends, and notices that Alice and Claire have lots of friends. She also notices that they're nice to everyone. Belle, wanting to have friends, too copies their behavior.
  • Defied: Belle refuses to even pretend to be nice.
    • Or, she makes sure that she's never even remotely nasty.
  • Discussed:

Carly: Hey, remember when Belle used to be mean to us?
Alice: Yeah... With the way she acts now, you'd never guess that she used to be such a brat.

  • Conversed:

"I like Belle's Character Development in this show."
"It's always cool to see a mean girl be not so bad after all."

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