Lost in Translation (fanfic)

Lost in Translation, a Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle fanfic by Sunlight through Leaves, is a post-series fic that focuses on the developing relationship between Fai and Kurogane in a new world where, thanks to Mokona’s declaration of “family” and an error in translation, the assumption that they're married sparks a chain of events that quickly lands all of them in a lot of trouble.

This simple translation bungle reveals itself to be a sign of the massive ongoing error of communication between Kurogane and Fai that symbolises their relationship and the difficulties they have in understanding one another’s motivations and actions.

The world the gang arrive in, and the fic itself, is in part inspired by this piece of art as drawn by the artist Konnichipuu, and heavily influenced by the steam punk genre. The world this fic is set in is fascinating, and the culture intriguing; the plot moves fast and features a well-structured antagonist and some believeable and likeable OC's that don’t detract from the main cast in any way. Although the fic is quite short (and still updating) a lot happens in four chapters, managing to fit in some drama and emotional upheaval as well as motorbike racing and some definite tension between Kurogane and Fai.

Has nothing to do with the film Lost in Translation.

Tropes used in Lost in Translation (fanfic) include:

  • Accidental Marriage: Fai and Kurogane. Not exactly accidental, as Fai implied it and Kurogane insisted that Fai have his hair dreaded and beaded to show he was Kurogane’s “wife” (albeit merely for his personal safety), but has much the same implications on the story.
  • Artificial Limbs: Kurogane of course, but many people in this world have prosthetics due to the high-risk factor of cycle racing, and workplace accidents. Becomes something of a plot point when Fai's magical abilities are used to create a more efficient steam engine for prosthetics, which leads to Yaro's attempts to "steal" him.
  • Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Kurogane and Fai have a few moments of this. Pity they don’t seem to notice.
  • Berserk Button: Yaro tramples all over Kurogane's when he taunts him about stealing his "wife", i.e. Fai.
  • Blood From the Mouth: much like in Ceres, Fai coughs up blood when he overuses his magic removing Kurogane's badly-damaged prosthetic.
  • Clockwork Creature: Sari mistakes Mokona for this early on and finds it hard to believe the pork bun is a living creature.
  • Cool Bike: Lots, and a whole culture based on racing them!
  • Cannot Spit It Out: A lot of the issues between Fai and Kurogane could have been resolved a lot easier if they just talked to each other.
  • Culture Clash: between the whole gang and the new world they’ve found themselves in, and between Kurogane and Fai themselves.
  • Engagement Challenge: variation thereof. Yaro challenges Kurogane to a duel in order to steal his "wife", i.e. Fai. Understandably, Kurogane is not pleased.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Kurogane seems to be very aware of this when it comes to Fai and the inhabitants of this new world. Part of the reason why he ignores Fai’s objections about getting his hair beaded to show he’s someone’s wife.
  • Everyone Can See It: Kurogane and Fai. Part of the reason why Mika and Sari immediately assume they really are married
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Sari.
  • Handicapped Badass: Kurogane’s prosthetic arm is damaged and needs to be removed. Doesn’t stop him from being dangerous.
  • Happily Married: Sari and Mika.
  • Housewife: very subverted. In this world, the word “wife” denotes the partner, of either gender, who acts as a mechanic and engineer for the “husband”, again of either gender, ensuring that he can ride the bikes on which their culture is founded and maintaining any prosthetics he might have. Wives are very highly valued, hence the aggression many would-be husbands put into gaining one, through legal means or otherwise.
  • I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: happens on both sides when Fai has to help Kurogane get untangled from his shirt when it gets caught on his mechanical arm.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: Kurogane and Fai. The other part of the reason why Mika and Sari immediately assume they really are married.
  • Lost in Translation: It’s in the title, and a lot of the problems encountered by the cast come from the difference in meaning and nuance that aren’t carried across by Mokona’s Translator Microbes. In particular, the exact definition of the words “husband” and “wife”, which mean something quite different from what Fai assumes, causes a lot of problems. Also a comment on the fact that Kurogane and Fai really don’t understand each other’s actions most of the time.
  • Luminescent Blush: Fai has a moment of this when Sari teases him about what Kurogane’s metal arm feels like on his skin.

Sari: My word, you're really blushing. What on earth have you done with that arm?

  • Magical Nosebleed: Fai gets one of these when he overuses his magic removing Kurogane's badly-damaged prosthetic.
  • Mistaken For Married: kicks off the whole plot.
  • Oblivious to Love: Kurogane and Fai. Painfully obvious to everyone else, though.
  • Protectorate: Fai is undeniably this for Kurogane. He doesn’t take it very well when Yaro tries to take Fai away from him.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Kurogane is doing pretty well at holding back his temper while wounded and in hospital... at least, until Yaro taunts him about stealing his "wife", and then implies that he'll force Fai to perform sexual favours. Only a quick intervention from Sari saves him from a thrashing. Which is exactly what Yaro wanted; if Kurogane beats him up, he automatically forfeits their scheduled duel and Yaro has free reign to claim his wife as spoils.
  • Steampunk: the main theme of the world the fic is set in.
  • Steampunk Gadgeteers: the main population has a high percentage of mechanically-minded “wives”, who are responsible for the majority of technological progresses within their culture.
  • There Is Only One Bed: Mika and Sari assume Kurogane and Fai really are married, so their room only has one small bed which they are expected to share. They do.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: buckets of it between Kurogane and Fai. Both believe it’s unrequited.
  • Villain Antagonist: Yaro.
  • Will They or Won't They?: it’s implied that Kurogane and Fai have had this kind of relationship ever since the events of the series concluded.
  • Will Not Be a Victim: even if Yaro manages to succeed in stealing Fai away to be his “wife”, Fai does not intend to go easily, and plans on hurting him quite badly if Kurogane loses the race and he is forced to go with Yaro.
  • With These Beads: Fai at first assumes the beads threaded into his hair don’t really mean anything, because he’s only pretending that he and Kurogane are married… until Sari points out that due to marriage being often rushed and not requiring a formal ceremony in her culture, the simple act of wearing them in his hair means they actually are.
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