< Lost Girl

Lost Girl/Funny

  • Bo's rant after the Fae try to interrogate her.

The Ash: You know the rules. Just name your clan.
Bo: Buddy, for the last time, I don't have a clan. Okay? Or bagpipes, or hagis. I'm not frickin' Scottish!

  • Kenzi trying to get something for herself when helping Trick.

Kenzi: If I help you with this, I want 5% of the Dall's profits.
Trick: No.
Kenzi: The lucky coin for a year.
Trick: No.
Kenzi: *girlishly* Can I have a u-ni-corn?

  • Kenzi after hearing noises, to her roommate the Succubus.

Kenzi: Did you bring elves home? I'm not judging, I just wanna know.

    • What makes it extra funny is that within the Showverse this is entirely plausible - they actually had one around for a while - so she wasn't being sarcastic, she was genuinely asking.
  • Kenzi trying to wake up her friend Bo.

Kenzi: Oh my God! Total 911! Goblins have stormed the kitchen and are eating all the sugar pops!
Bo: Tell them the milk's gone sour.

    • Genius Bonus in Bo's line: several Real Life myths claimed that one way of detecting magical creatures like elves or goblins was that they caused milk to go sour.
    • Especially her repeatedly poking Bo's face with a popsicle during the conversation.
  • Kenzi in Dyson's body in "Original Skin".

Kenzi: (while dancing) Check me out! Kicking it in the Wolfman! Yeah!

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