< Lord Peter Wimsey

Lord Peter Wimsey/YMMV

  • Complete Monster:
    • Standish Wetherall.
    • The Poison Pen villain in Gaudy Night initially appears to be merely a bitter, nasty mind whose worst acts are to spread unpleasant and cruel anonymous gossip and fictions, as well as a spot of property damage. However, when the string of messages attempting to badger the innocent, lower-class, brilliant, nervous, workaholic, solitary Miss Newland into either insanity or suicide is unveiled, the Moral Event Horizon is clearly crossed. The Motive Rant at the end of the novel shows just how unhinged and vicious the villain truly is.
    • Mary Whittaker cold-bloodedly murders her doting great-aunt; sacks, hunts down and murders her innocent maidservant; seduces and murders a trusting village girl; attempts to drug and murder both Lord Peter and an unsuspecting solicitor; bludgeons and attempts to murder Miss Climpson (who was collecting for charity at the time,) and tries to have her distant cousin, a devoted clergyman, hanged for her crimes. Her only motive was securing an inheritance that she would almost certainly have received anyway.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Unnatural Death has a killer who kills leaving no trace except heart failure. I wonder how he or she does it ...
  • Ho Yay: Peter and Bunter, Peter and Parker, Harriet and Dr. Martin, every female who sets foot in the S.C.R. for more than a few seconds at a time, Whitaker and Findlater, Agatha and Clara...it goes on. It's rather shocking for the twenties and thirties.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Doctor Wetherall in "The Incredible Elopement of Lord Peter Wimsey"
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: See Motive Rant, above. Earlier in the series, it's hard to know which aspect of Sir Julian Freke's evil is most disturbing. Is it the creepy sexual jealousy, the anti-Semitism, or the "I'm a genius, so I'm above mundane considerations of good and evil"?
  • Values Dissonance: In-story. "Wot this country really needs is a 'Itler." It takes place before the war broke out.
    • Also, the part in Murder Must Advertise where they discuss how to get more people to smoke cigarettes.
    • This mentally ill troper was rather taken aback when one of the characters made a casual comment in favor of "sterilizing the unfit."
    • And everyone knows the lower classes would have no qualms about stealing a body lying in state.
  • The Woobie: Poor Bunter...
    • Peter too, particularly when he has WWI flashbacks.
    • What about Alice Wetherall?
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