< Look Around You
Look Around You/YMMV
- Base Breaker: Suprisingly averted for the most part; despite Series 1 and Series 2 being almost nothing alike, most fans tend to like them both equally.
- Big Name Fan: Matt Groening, Chris Onstad, Tim and Eric, and Michael Cera have all stated that they've enjoyed the show, leaving one to wonder why it took so long for it to make it stateside.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: "Little Mouse".
- Ear Worm: "Little Mouse," by Jack Morgan (BSc).
- Machadaynu. Dear god, Machadaynu.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: the Helvetica Scenario.
- Squick: the Brain episode, showing us such biological marvels as the pea brain.
- Tear Jerker: They killed intelligent calcium by depriving it of oxygen.
- In the final episode, "Thanks Hanks... Thanks."
- Even the usually-deadpan narrator seemed regretful when the ants drowned.
"Water, what hast thou donst? Bless you, ants. Blants."
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