< Lonely at the Top

Lonely at the Top/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character who becomes successful starts to loathe the success because of what it cost them.

  • Straight: Bob works hard to ascend the corporate ladder. However, when he becomes a CEO, he becomes filled with angst because of the people he had to hurt to get there.
  • Exaggerated: Bob becomes a CEO and is so full of angst that he can barely function.
  • Justified: Bob really had to do some unsavory things to get his high position. He didn't really see what he was doing unitl he got all the way there.
  • Inverted: Bob wants very badly to succeed, but doesn't because he's afraid he'll compromise his morals.
    • Alternatively, Bob, formerly an arrogant CEO, starts quitting jobs and moving down from career ladder. In the process, his personality changes to be much more friendly and makes friends along the way. At the end, he's a simple worker, but very happy and with lots of friends.
  • Subverted: Bob seems to still have several friendships that have survived his various deeds.
  • Double Subverted: However, it becomes clear later on that those people are just hangers-on who are only into Bob for his success.
  • Parodied: Bob is an office worker who gets a promotion to middle management. Immediately afterwards he becomes a veritable pit of self-loathing because of the people he may have hurt.
  • Deconstructed: Bob is never able to reconcile what he did with his current position, and as a result is never able to fully enjoy his success.
  • Reconstructed: Bob eventually comes to terms with his wrongdoings and rebuilds the bridges he once burnt.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob seems to have several friendships that later appear to be superficial. But even among those people, there are some that truly care for Bob.
  • Averted: Bob doesn't do anything despicable when he's becoming successful.
    • He finds the costs were worth it to achieve his success and is comfortable with his current position.
  • Enforced: "Ambition Is Evil, right? So let's show a successful character who had to do bad things to get where he is!"
  • Lampshaded: "Agh, why did I do those things? All I have to show for it is this lousy corner office!"
    • (Gesturing to his office) "Behold, the throne room of the king of the world, everything at his fingertips." (Gestures at himself) "Behold-the king of nothing he wants anymore."
  • Invoked: A younger Bob is at the retirement of his father, who stayed a menial office worker all his life. The ambitious Bob gets to thinking...
  • Defied: Bob flat out refuses to do anything that compromises his morals.
  • Discussed: "I should have realized from those soap operas my ex watched that the successful guys are always lonely."
  • Conversed: ???

It's Lonely at the Top. Care to keep a trope company?

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