< Lois Lane
Lois Lane/YMMV
- Hilarious in Hindsight: On the letters page of Lois Lane #83, a Ms. Marilyn Marsh wrote in to complain about boys' fashion getting more feminine. The editor responded by saying that Superman definitely wouldn't have "shoulder-length locks". Some 25 years or so later, and The Last Son of Krpyton came back from the dead with The Super-Mullet...
- What an Idiot!: In one story, Lois gets an interview with Superman... by jumping out of a window, completely certain that he would show up to rescue her. (He does, but what if he'd been in outer space?)
- Amusingly referenced much later, when a powerless Clark does the same thing to get an interview with the new hero Supernova, and Lois berates him for taking such a stupid risk.
- Hitting on your boyfriend's father, thus almost causing him to never come to exist, isn't very smart either.
- Yeah, Lois, the world's most noble hero, not to mention your loving boyfriend, is going to reject you just because you've suddenly turned dark-skinned.
- Writer on Board: The current Superman writer doesn't seem to be a fan of Lois, referring to her as a "trophy wife" and assuring readers that she and Superman would not be getting together under his pen.
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