< Living with Monster Girl

Living with Monster Girl/YMMV

  • Fetish Fuel: There's a monster girl to suit every taste, it seems.
  • Squick: Discussed when Harpy's boyfriend cooks her unfertilized eggs.

"You don't see human girls sympathizing with their unfertilized eggs."

  • Tear Jerker: "Living with Lamia 1" is actually rather sad. Lamia needs lots of warmth in the winter, or else she hibernates. It's clear how lonely her boyfriend is when this happens, and while she gives him free reign with her body, when he does, it's clear how empty it is.
  • The Woobie: Slime's situation is played for laughs, but it's kind of sad. She needs to bathe in fresh water every week, or she'll die. And if she and her boyfriend have prolonged contact, she starts dissolving his skin.
    • Maybe. It never outright states she'll die, just that she needs it, and while the last three frames of Slime 1 suggest he was hurt by her while asleep, the final frame shows his face perfectly fine and everything being in a dream bubble above his head.
      • "Life with Slime-chan 2" is out -- Slime-chan is older, and thus doesn't need liquid as much, and he was perfectly fine -- all "melting" happened in his imagination. In fact, he now takes baths with her every day -- or rather, in her.
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