< Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine/YMMV

  • Most Annoying Sound: The car horn when it's broken.
  • Squick: The beauty contest.
    • Which goes into Nightmare Fuel if you consider that those girls all were real-life beauty pageant contestants and those were their real contest performances (minus Olive's, of course). To be fair, though, some of the girls' mothers insisted that things like the leg waxing were made up.
    • Still depressingly Truth in Television.
    • Happened by accident with the biker dad sitting next to Richard. He did have a kid in the pageant, Word of God said that in most of these things you do see more guys in the audience cause the mothers are backstage with the daughters.
  • Tough Act to Follow: Dayton and Farris haven't yet directed another film.
  • Rule-Abiding Rebel: The film's creators seem to be nonplussed about their movie being interpreted as anti-establishment, satirical, or whatnot.
  • The Woobie: Olive. She is obviously not pageant material, but God bless her, she's so adorable and determined that you can't help but love her.
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