< Little Audrey
Little Audrey/YMMV
- Hilarious in Hindsight / Name's the Same: In "Dizzy Dishes" the comic Audrey is reading is called Space Ace.
- Once-Acceptable Targets: Audrey's African-American housekeeper.
- Recycled Script / Stock Footage: Song of the Birds is a remake of a 1935 short which instead had a nameless boy as the main character.
- Tear Jerker: Like the original 1935 Fleiscier version of "Song of the Birds", it also happens in the remake with Audrey shooting the bird down, feeling guilty thinking she killed it. And like the original, it gets better in the end.
- Toy Ship / Foe Yay: Audrey and Melvin in the comics.
- Youngsters
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