Lilly Epilogue (Good End): Family Matters/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Lilly telling Hisao that she would have regretted leaving for Scotland and that her feelings for him would not have subsided with time, followed by Hisao proposing and Lilly accepting.
  • Fridge Logic: Mr. Satou calls Hisao a "middle class bumpkin" at one point despite having married a journalist, who, while better off financially than a college student, is not in a well-paying career. Then again, it should be noted that he wanted to believe that Hisao was unworthy of Lilly and his remarks can be seen as an extension of that.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Mr. Satou comes fairly close to this when he deliberately insults Hanako's burn scars and the cause of it (which is even worse than it sounds, considering that her parents died in the same fire, with her mother protecting her), despite having been warned about them in advance, and causes her to have an emotional breakdown.

Mr. Satou: "You’re that girl with the burns all over her, right? What’s your story anyway? You catch the oven on fire or something? And why are you so timid? You need to be more upfront. You’re never going to meet a good man if you’re acting like a scared rabbit all the time."

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