< Likes Older Women
Likes Older Women/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A young man with a fondness for older women.
- Played Straight: Bob has a crush on Alice, who is older than he is and very sexy.
- Exaggerated: Bob is half Alice's age. Bonus points if Bob is under 18.
- Justified:
- Bob likes older, more mature women because he is fed up with girls who act like airheads to attract guys, or is in Junior High, where the girls are going through awkward adolescence (braces, pimples, etc.)
- Or maybe Bob just has a thing for older women.
- Inverted: Alice is younger than Bob, or the same age, but she is emotionally mature and wise beyond her years.
- Subverted: Alice appears to be younger than Bob, or around the same age.
- Double Subverted: Alice is Really Seven Hundred Years Old and only *looks* like a young girl.
- Parodied: Bob's Porn Stash consists of copies of AARP: The Magazine.
- Deconstructed: Bob is seen as werid by his peers for chasing older women, who see him as a kid and coddle him.
- Reconstructed: Bob forms a platonic Intergenerational Friendship with an older women and eventually One Thing Led to Another
- Zig Zagged: Bob is attracted to both girls/women of comparable age (or younger), and to older women.
- Averted:
- Bob only dates women who are younger than he is. (Not necessarily a Lolicon, but still younger.) He does not find women over a certain age to be attractive
- Bob is gay, or even asexual.
- Enforced: "How about some commentary on the whole Cougar trend?"
- Lampshaded: "You do realize Alice is 35, don't you?"
- Invoked: Bob puts an ad in the Personals section or uses a dating website specifically to find women older than he is.
- Defied: Bob will not date women over the age of 25, no matter how pretty they may be.
- Discussed: "How come you like older women so much, Bob?"
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laughs: See "Parodied"
- Played For Drama: Bob asks Alice out, and even though Alice is much older, Bob works around that and develops a relationship with her.
You can go back to Likes Older Women if you want, but isn't she a bit...you know, old for you?
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