Like a Line Drive
"The burning passions of a man can only be shown in battle..."
There was once a person who wanted to parody the "standard" of Pokémon fanfics. This series, is born from that odd dream.
This series is Like a Line Drive!, revolving around taking the common tropes associated with Pokémon fanfic series, and throwing it back at its audience for laughs.
Meet our protagonist, William. He starts his journey, entrusted with his trusty shiny Eevee known as Rydia. Together, they would face tough challenges, relying on each other's strength in tough situations. At least, that is what most people would think. ... In fact, he got dragged into starting this ridiculous and stereotypical journey, and reluctantly keeps up with his partner pokémon, who seems to have an unexplainable attraction to his person.
As his journey starts, William ends up with other pokémon, most of them having a color different to other pokémon of their race. Thinking it is strange, Will wants to find out more about his strange companions, slowly warming up to them. Starting to enjoy his adventure, he meets up with old friends, nasty villains, and strange people. Could it be that this pokémon hater is slowly turning to his old self? Can he stand up to the evil Team Galactic-Magma alliance, and destroy their disastrous plans?
The fanfic itself is known for its strange prose, as well as its plot points that at first seem completely useless, but later on become tied in with key elements that, promise to become much more prominent later on in the series.
Found here, where the author also provides his user page with a small trope list.
- Affably Evil: Despite Luna's behavior, he's actually one of, or even THE main antagonist of the series.
- Aloof Big Brother: Heather's sort of this to Conan, however since Conan went off to become a detective and a part of the law, she rarely has a chance to see him, making the young boy resent her absent sister. Jun is this towards his younger sister, Karina.
- Badass: Pick a character, any character.
- Badass Adorable: Karina's quite adorable, even during a battle.
- Badass Biker: Heather actually has a pretty cool bike.
- Badass Bookworm: Kinsa, his glasses show it.
- Badass Crew: William's whole party is often considered this.
- Badass Family: The Sanada family.
- Badass Longcoat: Kinsa's own cloak shows this in spades.
- Cultured Badass: Despite being a bird, Krowley does show a slight air for chivalry.
- Little Miss Badass: Ruby is often seen as this.
- BFG: Heather owns her own custom baker rifle.
- Biker Babe: See above.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Miki is normally interpreted as this; her twin averts this, however.
- Broken Bird: Riyu is this.
- Character Development: William eventually lightens up to his pokémon, is a notorious example.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: William is quite the strong character.
- Continuity Nod: The series is supposedly the sequel to an old comic of the author's, with the fanfic series slowly opening up both its own and also intertwining old events into the story.
- Cool Big Sis: Heather appears to be this towards Karina.
- Cosmic Horror: Minus' origins are still unknown to this day...
- Fiery Redhead: Heather's full of this, Mimi may count, despite her two-tone hair.
- Fingerless Gloves: Stephanie and Rodney both own a pair.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Kinsa appears to be this, evident from most of the items he's created over the series.
- Genki Girl: Karina.
- Good Is Dumb: Rodney and Karina have their moments of being dense.
- Gratuitous French: Both Angie and Krowley speak fluent French, with English laced with their phrasing.
- Heel Face Turn: Kazuki is a hilarious example.
- Hot-Blooded: Well, William's character is inspired by Simon and Masaru.
- Hyper Awareness: Conan, as up-coming detective, worked hard until he perfected this technique. A part of Rodney's blessings from his curse.
- Jerkass: Many of the male characters seem to be this.
- Kid Detective: Conan may appear to be this, but he's actually one of the older characters in the series.
- Love Makes You Evil: This is why Luna's quite... Eccentric with his mannerisms.
- Mismatched Eyes: Conan's special ability changes his left eye's color to a blood red.
- Nice Hat: Rodney has a rather nice one.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Rodney and Mimi are actually powerful trainers, despite their silly personalities.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Both Conan and Heather has this hairstyle.
- Shout-Out: Detective Conan
- Talking Animal: Sasha could speak English, Krowley is bilingual.
- The Rival: Jun was this.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Karina is Stephanie's girly girl, Stephanie serves as Karina's tomboy.
- Training from Hell: Riyu and Karina suffer from this.
- Trigger Happy: Not only is there a chapter named this, Heather herself seems to have an obsession with firing her rifle.
- Not to mention younger bro Conan.
- Twincest: Miki plays with Mimi like this.
- Unreliable Narrator: The Narrator of the series is a complete parody of this trope, often going out the way to create jokes of the series characters' personalities, and also generally "misreads his cue cards/teleprompter" through reading. These mistakes are generally blamed on both the author and also certain employees of the Narrator.
- Unwanted Harem: Sadly, poor William must not only deal with two girls wanting his love, but also two of his own pokémon.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Luna is this.
- You Can't Fight Fate: The Sanada family legacy.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Few characters actually sport natural hair colors.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Ruby is a Class B.