< Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami

Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami/WMG

Everyone will be brought back to life

By someone writing "everyone" in a "Royal Life Note." However, because the writer did not specifically write "everyone who died in the battle," this will bring everyone who has ever died back to life, causing overpopulation to the point of mountains of people crushing one another. The conundrum will force L and company to team up with the Yagamis and start Death Noting people for the sake of sustainability.

Unless there is a pantheon sort of setup involved, why have an all-powerful God in addition to element-specific deities? The reason is that in the Light and Dark-'verse, God acts more as a theological "president," not having absolute power over all facets of life. This being so, he would not have been able to stop his own death if L caused it.

Mikami was not life-noted back

Light, being the clever bastard he is, believed that Mikami would be useful in the future, so in the Death Note he wrote the circumstances of his death as "Teru Mikami dies before revealing the full name of Kira, but miraculously comes back to life before his autopsy is performed and makes his escape, then dies at some indeterminate point in the future." Light turned out to be right about his usefulness, though Mikami presumably died soon after sniping the random slimy dude from the police helicopter.

Near, Mello and Matt all make reappearances because there are more than one of them

No One Steve Rule in this fanfic; instead, we have two Nears, two Mellos, and two Matts: the first set are the Wammy kids we know and love (Mello dies, comes back after making a deal with Blud, dies again and stays a ghost until possibly being life-noted back in chapter 32, Matt dies and just stays dead, and the elder Near first appears in chapter 18 or possibly chapter 6, and stays alive until being fed poison toast and apparently put into a box full of poison moths in chapter 39). The second set are the children of Wedy and Lind L. Taylor from D'ark's spinoff "The God of Time With No Name ~ Light's Real Name REVEALED!" which makes their deaths at a younger age all the more disturbing.

The second Matt is kidnapped by "creepy dude" who mistook him for Mail Jeevas (due to him possibly also being in a car accident around the same time as the "real" Matt) and sacrificed him to a volcano god on false pretenses. The second Mello is either mistaken for Mihael Keehl and brought in to help L's forces in the final fight, or may not have even made an appearance, since the true Mello may indeed have been life-noted in chap 32.

The second Near is the one who first makes major appearances in the fanfic, is actually named Near (as is shown by the "protagonists" being able to write "Near" in the anti-life note and kill him whereas they cannot do so for L), and is tellingly less mature though just as hapless than the canon Near; he is mistaken for the real Nate River by Dark (the dead Near is called a "new" agent in chapter 7, which implies this Near is not the same Near who helped L capture Dark in chapter 6) who tries to assassinate and eventually sacrifices him before he is brought back to life (somehow, despite being anti-life-noted) along with "everyone" else in chapter 32.

According to the author on his Twitter account, this Near may have been later death-noted by 1000 shinigami at once when he inadvertently flew his Lego rocketship into their shinigami ship. Or possibly the "canon" Near suffered this fate whilst the younger Near was still anti-life-noted, and it is the "canon" Near who was brought back in 32, despite retaining the greater childish qualities.

The similar names may be explained by Wedy subconsciously naming her children after students who her husband (Lind L. Taylor being L Lawliet's predecessor in the Light and Dark 'verse) met.

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