< Lie to Me (TV series)

Lie to Me (TV series)/Funny

  • Every scene with Cal on the witness stand being cross-examined by his ex-wife.
  • In "React to Contact", Cal and Emily exit an office where the client of the week's son Jake is playing. Cal does a quick introduction as they walk, while Jake immediately starts chatting up Emily. Cal verbally chases her down the hall, and once she's gone, stares at Jake for a long moment (apparently he read something he didn't like). He's like nine. But then, Emily with her school uniform...can't blame the kid.
  • Emily studying for and taking her driver's test in "Delinquent", mainly for Cal screwing with her by screaming "PUPPY!" (causing her to crash into a fire hydrant) and their banter at the end.
  • Reynolds and Lightman betting on what the photographer would say when they found the gay porn they knew he was into:

Cal: 'It's for research' I win, 'it's not mine', he wins. Thanks, mate.

    • Made even better by a scene earlier in the season where Emily calls him out on a photo of his younger self with a tribe he was studying, clearly baked, to which he immediately responds "It was research." She doesn't buy it, either.
  • Cal talking to the shrink at the mental institution, pretending he's delusional and hears voices . . . and oh yes, Reynolds is trying to make him kill people. First, we think it's just Cal fucking with authority figures, then we realize he's trying to get himself committed.
    • Crosses the Line Twice when Cal gets the info he needs, tries and fails to convince the shrink he's not mentally-ill, walks out of the ward . . . and is immediately picked up by two orderlies and carried back in.

Cal: Worth a try.

  • YMMV, depending on how dark your humor is, but "YOU OWE ME TWO-HUNDRED BUCKS YOU BASTARD" also can be counted as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Drunk!Gillian and Torres in "The Canary's Song", especially Gillian's "up yours!" toast to Cal.
  • Cal asking the undercover federal agent how he manages to keep his eyes open after being "shot to death" with blanks.
  • The attempted intervention at the end of "Greivous Bodily Harm".
  • This exchange between Emily and Cal might just be the funniest thing I've ever heard

Emily: Dad!Don't use any kind of psychological tricks to scare my boyfriend!
Cal: No Tricks! Got it! (opens door for Emily's Boyfriend)
Boyfriend: Hello Mr.Lightman!
Cal:Hello, Are you going to have sex with my daughter tonight?
Boyfriend: (stammers nervously)
Emily: Dad!

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