Leafie, A Hen into the Wild
An animated film from South Korea, released in 2011. It tells the story of a hen Leafie, who manages to escape her cage, where she spent all her life, and make it into the wild. Through a series of events, she comes across a duck egg, whose mother had been killed by the weasel. Having never sat on any of her eggs back on the farm, she does so eagerly, to (surprisingly) no protest from the egg's father. She promises the father duck, whom Leafie names Wanderer, to take the duckling to the everglade when he hatches. After the duckling does hatch, he and Leafie embark on their their journey there, and the story proper begins.
One of the best-looking and highest grossing animated films from S. Korea, Leafie is also quite a Tear Jerker. Be warned.
- Antagonist in Mourning: The weasel, when Leafie allows herself to be killed.
- Bad Export for You: The German DVD release cuts out a total of 5 minutes, including THE FINAL SCENE. That robs the film off about 50% of its impact.
- Birth-Death Juxtaposition: Greenie hatches shortly after Wanderer is killed.
- Bittersweet Ending: Greenie becomes the guard duck of his flock and is able to set out and see the world while Leafie lets herself be eaten by One-Eye so the weasel babies can survive.
- Happily Adopted: Greenie. Initially Subverted when Greenie first finds out that Leafie's different, but becomes the trope after his mom saves him from having his wings cut off.
- Honorary Uncle: Mayor to Greenie. Greenie even calls him "uncle" at one point.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: The owner of the chicken farm, who is the only human shown in the film, tries to cut off Greenie's wings.
- Interspecies Adoption
- Interspecies Romance: Leafie's unrequited affection for Wanderer.
- Let's Meet the Meat: Leafie allows herself to be killed by the weasel so the weasel's pups won't starve.
- Mama Hen: Leafie.
- The Nicknamer: Leafie.
- No Indoor Voice: Leafie has a habit of shouting. She seems to pass it onto Greenie.
- Not So Different: Leafie and the weasel, who are both mothers just looking out for their young.
- Predators Are Mean: The weasel. Subverted at the end, when it's revealed she's just trying to provide food for her new children.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: While a good portion of the ensemble can be defined by this trope, baby Greenie steals it all, as he pretty much fits this to a tee.