Last Holiday

A 2006 Gender Flipped (and Race Lifted) remake of the 1950 Alec Guinness film of the same name.

Quiet department store employee Georgia Byrd (Queen Latifah) receives a devastating diagnosis after a bump on the head sends her to the doctor. Deciding to take charge, Georgia spends her life savings on a dream vacation in the Czech Republic at the luxurious Grandhotel Pupp. While taking in all the wonders her trip has to offer, Georgia starts to spread her new-found zest for life to the colorful high-profile guests.

Also stars Alicia Witt, LL Cool J, and Gérard Depardieu, and features an extended cameo by Emeril Lagasse.

Tropes used in Last Holiday include:
  • An Aesop
  • As Himself: Emeril Lagasse and Smokey Robinson.
  • Back to School: Ms. Burns would lose her job and have to go back to college if she left Kragen. She does eventually leave him and go to law school.
  • The Beautiful Elite: The hotel guests.
  • The Cameo: Emeril Lagasse.
  • Closer to Earth: Georgia.
  • Corrupt Politician: Averted with Senator Dillings. While he lied about where he would be that weekend (in order to bail on a meeting with constituents), he is still an honest enough man to take Georgia's observations (and complaints) to heart.
  • Country Mouse: Completely averted with Georgia. She is completely comfortable and unintimidated despite finding herself in social and financial circles far loftier than any she had ever experienced.
  • Do Not Go Gentle
  • Do They Know It's Christmas Time?: Subverted. For the title being Last Holiday, the setting near Christmas, and Georgia praying frequently, there is surprisingly little reference to Christmas.
  • Double Aesop: Even more than a double, nearly every single character learns a lesson about appreciating life by the end of the film.
  • The End Is Nigh: Georgia is told she only has a few weeks left to live.
  • For Happiness
  • Good Is Not Dumb: Georgia might seem naïve but she is a very good saleswoman and gives some solid advice to other characters. Despite all of Kragen’s attempts to humiliate her, Georgia is usually one step ahead of him.
  • Happy Ending: Where the film deviates most from the original (in which Guinness' character is also found to have been misdiagnosed, but ironically dies in a car accident): Georgia not only survives discovering she isn't dying, she ends up going home and making her dreams come true.
  • Heel Face Turn: Miss Gunther. Kragen hires her to spy on Georgia but she befriends Georgia and refuses to give him any information after finding out Georgia is dying.
  • Impossibly Delicious Food: Chef Didier’s gourmet meals look incredibly appetizing.
    • Better yet, all the recipes were real and were posted on Food Network's website as part of cross-promotion for the film.
  • Interrupted Suicide: Georgia talks Kragen out of jumping off the ledge of the hotel. The whole scene is Played for Laughs.
  • Iron Lady: Miss Gunther.
  • Jerkass: Matthew Kragen, who looks for any opportunity to compete with Georgia. It's a telling detail that not once in the movie does he address his putative lover, Ms. Burns, by her first name. Nor does he act in the least bit tender or intimate with her, even in private.
    • Mr. Adamian, Georgia’s boss, also qualifies.
  • Like You Were Dying: Georgia travels to Europe and tries dozens of new things because of this trope.
  • Mistaken for Dying: Georgia was given the wrong diagnosis because of a faulty machine. She was never actually dying.
  • The Mistress: Ms. Burns to Kragen. She is ridiculed and scorned for it at work but holds out hope Kragen will leave his wife for her.
  • No Name Given: We never find out Ms. Burns' first name; it's not even in the credits.
  • Onion Tears: Chef Didier discovers Georgia is dying and uses the fact that he is chopping onions as an excuse for crying.
  • Penny Among Diamonds: Georgia lives the high life in Europe despite not being as wealthy as the other guests.
  • Princess for a Day: Longer than a day, but it still fits.
  • Shown Their Work: Food Network chefs prepared all the food in the film, and taught Queen Latifah cooking techniques so she would look like she knew what she was doing in a professional kitchen.
  • Snowed In: The reason why Georgia can’t leave the hotel after deciding she wants to die at home.
  • Supreme Chef: Georgia’s idol Chef Didier. Georgia herself by the end of the film.
  • Through His Stomach: Georgia impresses Sean with her cooking skills.
  • Where Are They Now? Epilogue: As the credits begin, the developments in the various other characters' lives are shown.
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