< Lab Rats

Lab Rats/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Victor Krane was the worst in a show filled with dangerous people. A diabolical, power-hungry billionaire, he initially worked with Douglas Davenport to brainwash Adam, Bree and Chase, also upgrading Douglas’s technology to granting him vast powers. After Chase manged to resist, Krane immediately attempted to force his siblings to kill him. Krane, unable to cope with any rivals, then planned to murder Adam, Bree and Chase causing Douglas to betray him. Krane kidnapped and locked Leo and Tasha in a giant oven to try and force Donald to give him the Lab Rats. His attempts failing, Krane was revealed to have been secretly building himself a bionic army, growing around a hundred kids—mostly teenagers, but a few preteens—in his lab, brainwashing and depriving them of any individuality, and experimenting upon them to give them bionic abilities. Krane constantly experimented on S-1, leaving her traumatized when she was liberated. Convinced that his powers made him superior, he tried to conquer the earth and brainwash all humanity. After his seeming death, we find out that after Douglas betrayed him, Krane took the very being Douglas loved, his pet dog Otis and turned him into his personal assassin. The mind-controlled dog attempted to blow up the entire academy, showing that Krane wouldn't have cared when, where or how many would be killed in such an attempt to eliminate Douglas. In addition, it was discovered that, refusing to allow them to live any life that didn’t benefit him, Krane had installed a virus within all his former soldiers so that in the event he died they would also die. In “Space Colony”, it’s revealed that he survived and was rescued by Dr. Gao. Infiltrating Donald’s colony, they begin kidnapping and brainwashing the fifty colonists, along with Donald and Tasha, to turn them into a new army of mindless bionic soldiers; they also launched a missile that would wipe out all life on Earth so that Krane could rebuild everything in his own image. Once thwarted, Krane hijacked a space pod and attacked the Lab Rats and colonists' ship declaring "If I can't have my bionic army then I’m taking you out with them."
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The theme song.
  • Fridge Horror: Don't think too hard about where Adam, Bree and Chase's parents are, about Donald putting bionics into children in order to turn them into living weapons, or isolating three teenagers in a subterranean laboratory with absolutely no contact with the outside world.
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