LIT (video game)

LIT is a Wii Ware game, developed by WayForward Technologies. A classic "use the objects to construct a path to the exit" puzzle game, dressed up as a survival horror game.

The plot is as follows: Jake, the protagonist, has become trapped in his school, which has been plunged into darkness. Dangerous creatures lurk in the darkness, and Jake must use the various light sources around to safely navigate a path to the exit. However, turning on too many things at once and filling the light meter at the top will cause a fuse to blow, sending you back to the start of the room.

Occasionally a room will have a ringing phone; making it to the phone and answering it before it stops ringing will let you listen to a phone call from Jake's girlfriend, Rachael, as she works to escape from the school as well.

Tropes used in LIT (video game) include:
  • Another Side, Another Story: Beating the game as Jake will allow you to play through again as Rachael. Her levels are exactly the same, but the phone calls she gets are from Jake. It's implied that both stories take place at roughly the same time.
  • Blackout Basement - The whole game, essentially.
  • Death Is a Slap on The Wrist - You have unlimited lives, and dying just sends you back to the start of the room. Although with some rooms, it's more like Continuing Is Painful.
  • Emo Teen - Jake. According to the developers, he was deliberately designed as this to invoke the irony of the type of person associated with darkness literally bringing light to his school.
  • Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels - "Light" (easy) and "Dark" (hard). The rooms stay the same, but in Dark Mode, Jake (or Rachael) appears as a silhouette, and all light sources will slowly dim once turned on (and cannot be re-turned on once they're off entirely). See also Timed Mission below.
  • Multiple Endings - Each character has a good ending and a bad ending. Listening to all the phone calls in the game will get you the good ending.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder - Jake doesn't even have a health bar. As soon as any part of him touches the darkness, he's done for.
  • Puzzle Boss - Every boss is this, requiring you to use different strategies to damage them with the light.
  • Timed Mission - Dark Mode, unlocked by beating the game once. All light sources will slowly dim when turned on, requiring you to move fast to get through the room safely.
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