< LEGO Island
LEGO Island/Funny
A lot of exchanges in the games can be quite hilarious or some of the BLAM's that can happen frequently.
- This spectator exchange when watching a race.
Spectator 1: What's the fastest you've gone?
Spectator 2: 200
- Nick issues him a ticket*
Spectator 1: 100!
- Nick issues another ticket*
Spectator 3: 50
- Nick issues a ticket to her*
Spectator 3: What? 50's legal.
- Nick issues yet another ticket when she threw the other one on the ground*
Spectator 3: What's this one for?
Nick: Littering.
- Enter and Return's introduction
Enter: Incoming!
Return: Outgoing!
- Both collide into eachother and fall apart before re-assembling eachother*
Enter: Hey that's mine!
Return: No it's mine!
Enter: Since when do you wear that color?
- Keep in mind that they were both in white hospital uniforms.
- All of the stuff they loaded into the (seemingly) Hammerspace ambulance.
- Rescuing the person who was choking on a shark, who was choking on a dog, who was choking on a cat, who was choking on a parrot
Papa: We've got to put up a sign. "No pets allowed."
- And the exchange once he's on the stretcher.
Enter: Now don't drop him.
Return: You mean like that other guy.
Enter: Whatever happened to him?
Return: Who?
Enter: The other guy.
Return: We dropped him!
Enter: Well don't drop him!
- The girl in the jet ski race who spasmed all over the place.
- If you click on a section of a person that isn't an interchangeable body part, you can change their mood. One such mood has their heads literally bobbing up-and-down as they walk, as though their heads were barely attached to their bodies.
- This troper, in the original, changed all the hair and hats on the island into cats, resulting in every guy on the island walking around with a cat on their head.
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