< LEGO Adaptation Game

LEGO Adaptation Game/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement: Harry Potter (and, inevitably, Lord of the Rings) is based more on the movies than the original books; though since this is the Cliffs Notes version of the plot anyway, the difference is rarely noticeable.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Lego Harry Potter Part TWO!!
    • Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes. That is all.
      • Clancy Brown will return as Lex Luthor. Hell, just the presence of actual voiceovers in general.
      • Voice actors for LB2 include Steve Blum (Joker and Bane) and Troy Baker (Two-Face, a role reprised from Arkham City).
    • And then there's the fact that it was an open-world game much like Batman: Arkham City, but with heroes from all over the DCU.
  • Anticlimax Boss: In LEGO Indiana Jones, the final bosses of their respective movies had "Hit and Run" or "Escape" strategies, so the fights were just running around hitting the boss. The sequel looks to remedy this though with the encounters mentioned on the page, by changing up the events of the films a bit.
  • Best Boss Ever: The fight with Blackbeard is considered as such by some, probably helped by the fairly unique way of fighting him.
  • Butt Monkey / The Woobie: Poor Eeth Koth. In the "Grievous Intrigue" level of LEGO Star Wars III, he is constantly denied his cup of coffee...until the very end. Awww. And then it gets spilled on him when the ship does a loop.
  • Bonus Feature Failure: The 100 Percent Completion prize in LEGO Star Wars III is... A Stealth Bomber, for the flight levels, something that you will probably never use due to preference for just preferring to control characters on normal levels.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The Disco Remixes.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Likely the reason Darth Maul was included in LEGO Star Wars 3.
  • Even Better Sequel: The Original LEGO Star Wars was great, but rather limited, but when 2 came along, it got rid of several of the limitations, becoming a bit more fun. The Complete Saga could count as well, since it revised the original game's levels to take in the newer gameplay elements of the second game.
  • Fan Dumb: the comments for the LB2 trailer IGN posted on Youtube show an argument between Batman's and Superman's respective fandoms. Basically, an internal Fandom Rivalry.
  • Game Breaker:
    • Invincibility is featured in all games as a power-up to unlock. Granted the games are already simple, but some of the in-game cheats provide effects that are God Mode incarnate. Especially Star Wars: The Complete Saga, but that game has thirty six stages to search compared to the others so it makes perfect sense.
    • The score multipliers which multiply the amount of LEGO studs the players can get. And yes, they can be put together, except in the DS versions (save Rock Band and Indiana Jones 2, where you probably have gotten everything anyway).
  • Game Breaking Bug: It is impossible to 100% the PC version of LEGO Indiana Jones. In "Escape the Mine", one of the enemies on the left never comes within reach of your shovel. Since you need to hit him to get the artifact, you are barred from getting it and thus barred from the bonus levels.
  • Goddamned Bats:
    • Probe droids fighting in the Battle of Hoth will launch their own tow cables to pull the bombs you tow.
    • Rocket troopers from LEGO Indiana Jones.
  • Growing the Beard: Developer Traveller's Tales was not held in high regard until LEGO Star Wars.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks/It's Short, So It Sucks: To those who think games are Serious Business... but never noticed the score glaring at them once they complete a movie.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks: Easily the most common complaint about the series - the games are in essence Strictly Formula with only minor differences. Even many LEGO fans aren't interested in the later games for this very reason.
  • Memetic Mutation: Loads of enemies + destructible terrain x all the studs multipliers = "Tre-shuh BAAAAAAAATH!!!"
  • Most Annoying Sound: In LEGO Harry Potter, EVERY student you pass greets you with the same high-pitched "Huh Nuh". In a castle full of dozens of NPCs, this gets ear-grating after the second screen.
    • Nothing is worse than the Mandrakes. As soon as you go near them or pick them up they start screaming and don't stop until you put them in the pot. After five minutes you want to throw your controller at the screen.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • While most of the characters are rather adorable in their LEGO guises, The Scarecrow's mask is just... *shivers*
    • The Spider chase in LEGO Harry Potter is surprisingly terrifying.
    • When casting Crucio, it puts the person you're holding in extreme pain, eventually killing them. When you're using it as Tom Riddle, he laughs as he's doing it.
    • Lucius laughs too, even when using it on Draco.
    • Destroying a Dementor leaves pieces of its skeleton bouncing around on the floor.
    • Lego Star Wars 3 has the level with the Zombie Genosians.
  • Scrappy Level:
    • The podrace in the first game. The player must finish nine different sections of the race under very strict time limits and so as even slightly grazing anything is instant death. Thankfully The Complete Saga removed these problems but left the original Nintendo Hard version in as a Secret Level.
    • LEGO Batman. "Zoo's Company". Lily-Pad Bouncing Segment. That is all.
    • "Crab Cake Confusion," the Treasure level in the wreckage of the Coronado in Indiana Jones 2. It's really only a scrappy level due to the way the game's jumping mechanics work (or don't) and the platform placement.
    • "Perilous Parking" in the Berlin stage requires you to jump a Jeep onto a fairly small platform, ride a badly-controlled motorcycle up a ramp, and jump a horse across several high columns to weigh down buttons.
    • The Forbidden Forest levels in Harry Potter Years 1-4. Not particularly hard levels, but there are a lot of lego flowers and bushes lying around and if you want those LEGO studs for True Wizard (not to mention buying unlockables), you need to spend a good amount of time destroying all of them.
    • Motorcycle Escape from Lego Indiana Jones is an absolute nightmare from start to finish. From the moment you leave the first area you're assaulted non-stop by enemies with guns that appear about 4-6 at a time and respawn after about 5 seconds. You can't attack from your motorcycle, so you have to constantly dismount (or stop the puzzle you're solving) to deal with them. As if that's not bad enough, the last area of the level contains four turrets with one-hit kill rockets that are nearly impossible to avoid, and more infinitely respawning enemies that now have one-hit kill rocket launchers. Have fun!
    • Vehicle levels tend to be rather annoying in general.
  • Surprise Difficulty: Until the release of Rock Band 3, Lego Rock Band had quite possibly the toughest achievement in all of Rock Band: Getting 100% on the guitar solo in The Final Countdown. Not even the whole song, just the solo. And this is supposed to be a kids' game?
  • That One Level: Lego Batman. Arctic World's minikit canisters on the ice slide, where you have to pass through five or so gates. You only get one try, and if you mess up, you have to restart the lengthy level again.
    • Flying levels tend to be some of the most frustrating in the LEGO Star Wars games, due to piloting controls.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Literally all of the non-white characters in LEGO Harry Potter are grouped together in the character shop, even those in different years, houses, and points at which they're unlocked.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: A mission in Clone Wars has R2-D2 and R3-S6 dueling with their stun prods in a way that mirrors a Jedi vs. Sith confrontation, complete with fighting on a narrow balcony and one falling to their death by the end of the fight.

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