< L.A. Noire

L.A. Noire/Awesome

  • Jack Kelso definitely has one on the last case. After Monroe arranges a meeting (which is clearly a trap) with Kelso in his estate, Kelso decides to call his former Marine buddies and stages an all-out assault on the estate. After that, he shoots Monroe in his leg, looks around his office for a bit, and leaves him bleeding before he calmly leaves the estate to find Elsa.
    • Made even better by what he says immediately after shooting Monroe in the leg.

Jack: That's my opening negotiating position!

    • And better again by what he says after stomping on Monroe's injured leg while he's down.

Jack: That was my second offer!

    • And he does all of this while bleeding from a gunshot wound in his arm, which he doesn't even acknowledge while Monroe is screaming for a doctor due to his own gunshot wound.
  • Cole's initial meeting with Leland Monroe, especially if you call him out on building houses on the cheap and lying about the Catalina Island promotion.
    • It even nets you an achievement in the Xbox 360 version!
  • Cole telling off Roy Earle when he speaks ill of the late Courtney.

Cole: "He was a better man than you'll ever know. You say one more thing about him and I WILL BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!"

    • He also calls him off when he tries to warn him to stop investigating Elysian Fields.
  • Gameplay-wise, running over Roy Earle with a car once you find out that he ratted Phelps out for cheating on his wife with Elsa. This troper wishes that Roy Earle would get killed off in the story as well.
  • Cole's first introduction to Mickey Cohen. When Earle starts to introduce them, Phelps cuts him off by saying "I met his brother-in-law," and walks away. What makes it awesome is that Phelps had just gunned down Cohen's brother-in-law in the previous case. The point is not lost on Cohen.
  • Even Roy Earle gets one near the end of "The Black Caesar", a caretaker approaches the detectives as they attempt to enter the Polar Bear Ice Company building.

Caretaker: Place has been closed for years. Not much demand for ice, what with the new freezers...
Earle: Save it for someone who cares......do all janitors carry gats? (nonchalantly pulls out his gun and kills the caretaker before he can do anything.)
Phelps: *To Earle* That's one way to announce that we're here!

  • Elsa has one in the end when she calls out Roy Earle in Cole's funeral for pretending to be his friend.

Earle: A cop wrongly accused, who never lost faith in the LAPD and the system...
Elsa: Swine! You belittle his memory!

    • Also in "Manifest Destiny"

Earle: If you care about working in this town, you better give me something on Bittleson and Bowe, or their knucklehead buddies Tyree and Lamont.
Elsa: And this is your idea of making enquiries, Untersturmfuhrer?

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