< Kyo Kara Maoh!

Kyo Kara Maoh!/YMMV

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: What exactly is the deal with the Maou? Is he an entirely separate person who happens to share Yuuri's body a la Yu-Gi-Oh!? Is he the personification of Yuuri's darker side? Does Yuuri just have a dissociative personality disorder? No-one really knows.
  • Americans Hate Tingle: Hate isn't the right word but Conrad is considered boring to the Western audience due to how he's the perfect guy that understand Yuuri. It's this dedication that is rather fatherly that turns people off (when it comes to pairings). See the Values Dissonance page for more details.
    • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: On the other hand, Wolfram is very popular in the Western fanbase while he noticeably has a smaller fanbase in Japan.
  • Anvilicious: The writing isn't exactly subtle when conveying the important themes of this show, what with Yuuri's constant monologues about how love is always the answer and you have to love everybody everywhere and never stop, ever!
    • Although between Yuuri maturing into this role (which is honestly more about 'understanding and accepting everybody' than 'loving' them, although his vocabulary is noticeably influenced by his mother), the fact that the narrative allows many dissidents to be rounded characters who have good points counterbalances this rather. We are not forced to believe Gwendal is being unreasonable in preparing for war all the time, or that Conrad's willingness to sacrifice anything and anyone for Yuuri is not a potentially valid alternate morality.
  • Badass Decay: Saralegui starts off as cool and diabolical, and by the end of the series is... a little childish.
    • But when you think about it, he was a child all along. Since he was abandoned by his mother and ignored by his father, he probably felt alone and came up with his scheme to interact with people in the only way he knew how. In order words, he tried to take over Yuuri's body and rule over everything because he wanted to be loved.
  • Complete Monster: King Belar has already crossed the Moral Event Horizon before he met Yuuri. Him constantly trying to kill him has put him in this category and the number of instances where he deliberately tries to break him just because he's a demon. Not to mention that he's willing to sacrifice his own people just to test out the box that is said to bring the destruction on the world if only to get rid of all demons.
    • To make matters worse, he took children from his own country as hostages in order to lure Yuuri out in the open knowing he would try to save them. When things get out of hands, he leaves the kids for dead. It's enough to cause most of his country to pull a Heel Face Turn given that a human was shown to be dark hearted and cruel yet it was the demons that saved them.
  • Creator's Pet: Saralegui is accused of being one especially by the shippers given that he's introduced in season 3 and takes the spotlight away from Yuuri's other companions as well as being set up with the most Ship Tease in that season despite the development that happened in the previous two seasons.
  • Die for Our Ship: Not as frequent as other fandoms but Saralegui gets a lot of flak from any other person that prefers him with someone else (mainly Yuuri/Wolfram fans). Doesn't help that Yuuri has a crush on him for shallow reasons when he's been with Wolfram since the beginning and despite the fact that Wolfram is equally feminine, Yuuri comments that about Saralegui.
  • Epileptic Trees: Mazoku aging; HOW DOES IT WORK!? Just take a look see at the entry for Younger Than They Look. The Headscratchers page is as of now completely devoted to the question.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: In the Western fandom, Yuuri/Wolfram, Conrad/Yozak, Gwendal/Gunther and Shinou/Murata. In the Eastern fandom the popular pairings are Conrad/Yuuri and Yozak/Murata instead.
  • Genius Bonus: The uniforms of Conrad, Wolfram, and Gwendal. Few people would know that they are patterned on real historical uniforms.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Saralegui.
    • And before him Shinou.
  • Moral Event Horizon: King Belar has already crosses this in his backstory when he kills the previous owner of one of the four keys in order to activate the boxes. It gets worse from there.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The gremlin-style Bearbees.
  • The Scrappy: Saralegui is not well liked in the fandom for many reasons.
    • 1. He starts out as a pretty good villain (or at least Anti-Villain) but goes through Badass Decay to the point that people thought his character was wasted.
    • 2. His character design turns a lot of people off especially since Yuuri who has been claiming to like girls the entire series suddenly develops a crush on him if only because of his feminine appearance, which makes Yuuri look shallow.
    • 3. He gets in the way of all the pairings involving Yuuri. Especially jarring because he's introduced in season 3 and gets the most Ship Tease with Yuuri effectively pushing the other characters like Wolfram or Conrad out of the picture making shippers declare that he's a Creator's Pet.
  • Villain Decay: King Belar went from Complete Monster to a joke that the Maou tribe doesn't take seriously anymore.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Take Fushigi Yuugi and combine with Ho Yay and a good amount of acid.
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